7 Ways That Social Media is Affecting Us Positively

Editor’s note: Two weeks ago, we published this excellent article by Dina Indelicato: Is Social Media Really an Existential Threat? There is a flip side though. And Varun Sharma presents it here. While you will be aware of most of the points put forward, the article is nevertheless timely. How Social Media is Affecting Us…
16 Tips to Dominate Social Media Now!

Now that 2016 is well under-way, it’s a great time to take stock of take stock of the social media landscape and look ahead to the endless possibilities of the future. You’ve seen all the “success stories” – talking about their exponential growth, sure-fire tricks, and guaranteed business propulsion tactics. Why can’t you do that?…
Training Digital Natives To Be The Leaders Of Tomorrow

Over the past twenty-five years, the rapid development of new technologies, combined with the advent of the Web and social media, have caused a social revolution that now affects each generation. It has been a wave of profound changes that have transformed every aspect of our existence, from family life and personal relationships, through entertainment…