Is Working Remotely Risking Your Personal Data?

Editor’s note: The forced work-from-home cause by COVID-19 merely sped up a long term trend towards taking business out of the office. While not new for many, the challenges of working remotely caught a lot of people and companies flat-footed. most seriously, they weren’t prepared for the data security aspect of doing business work through…
Keep Your Business Website Safe From a Cyber Attack

I recently had an unfortunate experience of needing to contact my website developer to help clean up a malware attack on my website. Thankfully, I was prepared ahead of time for this type of breach, and my website was not down for too long. Sound familiar? As business owners, we have to safeguard our valuable…
Should We Trust Social Media Giants with Password Management?

In this article, we will consider the good and the bad of using social media for your password management Then we give a verdict about what we ultimately believe are the more important concerns. Password Management Concerns Passwords suck. I mean, the more secure a password is, the harder it is to remember. That’s because…
Your Website Has Been Hacked. What Do You Do Now?

This article from Wade Harman is a follow-up, of sorts, to the last article of his that we ran. Once again, he discusses cyber crime. This time, the focus is on the steps to take after you’ve been hacked. Sobering but necessary reading, and another in our “Great Articles You may have missed” series. Take…