How Can Curation Tell Your Story? 6 Steps to Finding Your Voice
Someone asked me recently, “I want my curation to be telling a story. How do I do that?” Yikes! Curation is telling a story??!! I had to laugh because I’d not considered it in that way – even though my expertise is in business storytelling. And yes, my curation does tell a story! Once I…
Who You Follow is Important and Here’s Why
As web anthropologist Stowe Boyd likes to say, “The single most important decision we make in a connected world is who to follow.” Your social networks are your window onto the world, a lens on your market. You determine how wide your window is, and how focused the lens. Ultimately, your online connections will color…
Here’s How to Curate for Your Audience and Keep Them Coming Back

Engaging in content curation is a powerful and wonderful way to share your story, build your expertise, add value to customers and prospects, build a community, bring your voice into the world on a topic, construct a solid reputation and credibility, and have fun doing all. If you are into relationship marketing content curation can…
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