
Andy Capaloff

The Millennial Conversation: A Parent’s View

I love millennials – I have 2 kids and 3 nieces and nephews who are millennials.  In age sequence, from 27 down to 22, they are a CEO of a hugely successful 15-month old company, a program-manager of a Credit Union who wants to become an entrepreneur, a junior precious metals trader, an actuary and…

Martin (Marty) Smith

Startup Trends 2014

Startups 2014 Trends on

Startup Trends in 2014 is a wide ocean of a topic (lol). Swimming around trying not be swept away I found a great macro trend report from Fjord. Fjord is owned by Accenture (so BIG) and they’ve taken a hip Forrester-like approach to the creation of an excellent and free annual trends report Before diving…

Anastasia Ashman

The Great Big Social Networking Experiment

You’re building a global network. Today, we all are. Most of us have never built a global network before. We’ve never had the vast capability that we now have thanks to social technologies. No wonder we don’t know what we’re doing. It’s all an experiment. Trial — and error. And the stakes are getting higher every…

Martin (Marty) Smith

Use A ‘Blue Ocean Strategy’ To Soar in 2014

Cirque du Soleil blue ocean swot

Cirque du Soleil redefined “circus” creating a “blue ocean” where their value proposition could stand alone. Before Cirque du Soleil “circus” meant animals, brave performers and a nomadic tribe. Cirque du Soleil shifted circus to mean: Acrobats and choreography. Lavish sets and music. Thrilling stunts. Current cultural branding (Beatles Love, Michael Jackson). Massive product development…

Albert Qian

Your New Years Resolution: An Integrated Marketing Strategy

The social media game has changed, again. Last week we learned that Facebook engagement rates had fallen tremendously, and that amongst their changes (content included), brands now must pay more in order to have their content exposed to the audience they want. It’s enough to make your wallet cry. It’s not a fair world, and…

Michael Nelson

Marketing: The Power of These Three Simple Outcomes

Marketing can seem as complex as Einstein’s theory of relativity at times.  Many people look at small business marketing just as they look at a board full of formulae and consider it arcane and incomprehensible! But it really isn’t so complex.  It does have a lot of moving parts and there are many ways to…

Michael Nelson

Here’s How to Build a Marketing System that Produces Results

When I refer to “Second Career Entrepreneurs” I’m specifically addressing the group of people who have spent time walking the corporate corridors and have since found themselves running their own businesses.  They have experience, networks, an idea of how business works and are now master of their own domain.  This combination can result in great…

Martin (Marty) Smith

Is Ecommerce Stuck In The Mud?

Is E-commerce Stuck In The Mud? After our first Holiday Ecommies Review of 30+ top online retailers (@Ecommies is a new ecommerce ratings, review and award site coming soon). It’s clear e-retailers are stuck in the mud. Holiday 2013 merchandising was flat, uninspired and not original or festive. and Williams-Sonoma created Holiday 2013 bright…

Martin (Marty) Smith

Websites vs. Blogs – Which One is Better and Why?

Websites and Blogs Are Different What is the difference between a blog and a website? “Blog” and “website” are sometimes used interchangeably. They are not, but we wouldn’t be as static in our definition as the “Apples” vs. “Oranges” image above. Blogs and websites have important roles to play in successful content and social marketing.…

Andy Capaloff

Invention v. Reinvention In The Age of Disruption

Human history is littered with examples of how rebuilding is so much swifter and more complete if whatever preceded it was wiped out.  Of course, that has typically come after something very bad has happened. Many people embark on their entrepreneurial career after something as major yet of course on a far smaller scale. It…

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