Time to Stop Recycling Thought Leadership

By Michael Brito It’s taken me 4 months to write this post and I am still not sure exactly what I want to say, if it’ll make any sense or if anyone will read it. I’ll give it a shot anyway. I have been blogging since 2006 and I am definitely guilty of recycling thought…
What B2B Marketers Need To Know About Millennials

By Michael Brito It was just a matter of time before millennials entered the workforce, got promoted up the ranks and started becoming influential in the B2B marketing space. Just last week, Google and Millward Brown released a study that evaluated the state of B2B marketing. Approximately 3,000 B2B researchers were surveyed about their research…
8 Ways of Putting Social Listening To Work For You

By Michael Brito All the hours you spend focusing on brand positioning don’t matter if everyone else feels different about it. And all the media in the world can’t change brand perception if your product doesn’t deliver value or your customer service sucks. Brands are built by having good products. They are built when they…
Relationships Matter but Good Content Trumps All
Before you cast judgment, please read on. As I write this, I am reminded of an online conversation that happened over six years ago. It was way back when Jeremiah Owyang was an analyst at Forrester. He wrote a blog post that asked a very simple question. Are you a purist or a corporatist? To…
Activate Your Brand With Participatory Storytelling

By Michael Brito Advocacy happens when customers or employees talk favorably about a brand or defend it without being asked to do so. They love the brand, what it stands for and how it makes them feel. They are all influential too. It doesn’t matter what their Klout scores is or how many followers they…
Why Marketers Should Stop Expecting Their Content To Go Viral

The following article is republished with permission from Michael Brito: Marketers: Stop Expecting Viral Content Marketers: Stop Expecting Viral ContenThe following article is republished with permission from Michael Brito: Marketers: Stop Expecting Viral Content Expectations are a part of life. They play a critical role in relationships, life events, job performance, sports and yes, even…
Brands Need To Get Content Right

Michael Brito has given us permission to re-publish some of his work. The first piece I’ve selected may be over 4 months old, but it is as relevant and fresh as anything you are likely to find on the web, imparting so much information, it is ‘one to bookmark’. The urgency of this piece can…