Why You Should Curate Interests not Just Specialties Part I
Curating Content for Connection and Lifelong Learning Many people know the value of using content curation as a tool for thought leadership. Curating content around your specialty or area of expertise, and adding a point of view, is a great way to build your thought leadership. However, many are now just beginning to understand the…
How Can Curation Tell Your Story? 6 Steps to Finding Your Voice
Someone asked me recently, “I want my curation to be telling a story. How do I do that?” Yikes! Curation is telling a story??!! I had to laugh because I’d not considered it in that way – even though my expertise is in business storytelling. And yes, my curation does tell a story! Once I…
Do Your Marketing Messages Connect with Your Buyer’s Needs and Desires?
People buy for two reasons. They are trying to eliminate pain points or they are trying to reach a compelling desire. If your small business marketing doesn’t focus on how your service helps them address one of those two issues, you’re just rolling the dice. Creating effective marketing, which I define as marketing that delivers…
Why Google Plus Hangouts on Air are the Next Big Opportunity
Author: Nikol Murphy What if I told you that you could reach your audience using video WITHOUT them being a Facebook Fan, having a Twitter Handle, Google+ account, signing up for a teleseminar, webinar or your email list? WARNING! SHINY NEW OBJECT ALERT! In my mind, there are two types of people. Those who are…
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