4 Reasons Small Business Should Consider Mass Email

Whether you are a freelancer or a small business owner, your budget can get tight from time to time. You have to make sure you are spending your money wisely and a mass email service is one way to grow your business. If you aren’t quite convinced on why you need to be utilizing email…
Curatti Best Articles of 2020 (And Happy New Year 2021!)

2020 is finally over! How long did it last? Until now, every year of our lives went faster than any before it. Not this one! Goodbye annus horribilis! You’ll never be forgotten! A Quick Summary of 2020 Life changed. The end! Our 2020 Authors This year, we published over 130 articles, some written by old…
How To Use Instagram Hashtags To Improve B2B Customer Engagement

B2B marketers often overlook Instagram, judging it to be purely consumer-oriented. With its predominantly visual nature, it is easy to see why one would think so. It is certainly easier to persuade an individual to buy new shoes by showing how awesome they look than to convince a company representative to sign a large-scale contract…