
Andrew Hutchinson

Influencer Marketing: One Voice Can Make A Difference

Sometimes, the way we think about influence is wrong. Or not wrong, but maybe our perception of what influence is isn’t quite correct. Generally, when you think of what influences you or what influences those around you, you think of movements, of shifts in sentiment based on experiences and inputs, and those shifts – at…

Jan Gordon

The Rising Importance of a Personalised Experience

By Andrew Hutchinson One of the things that businesses need to accept in the new media landscape is that things have changed significantly. No surprises there, right? Everyone knows that media consumption habits have evolved, that the way in which brands reach people is adapting beyond traditional ‘broadcast and hope’ strategies. But what many are…

Jan Gordon

Brand Journalism versus Brand Storytelling

By Andrew Hutchinson I read an interview with author Arnold Zable recently in which he discussed his work in championing causes through his writing, most notably asylum seekers. Zable talked about the power of storytelling in such efforts, saying that ‘story is a very beautiful way to lead people somewhere else’. Zable noted that more…

Andrew Hutchinson

Social Media is Good for Business – Here’s Why

I was doing a talk recently on the correlations between Facebook likes and personality traits when someone put their hand up and said: ‘so what?’ What does this mean – what does it matter to the average business that Facebook likes can indicate a person’s personality? It got me thinking about how to better communicate…

Jan Gordon

The Inexorable Shift from Traditional to Social Media

By Andrew Hutchinson Occasionally people ask how I got involved in social media. I worked in media monitoring for many years and one of the biggest benefits of working in that industry is oversight, being able to see media trends and changes as they evolve. You could see how a single news report could build…