
How to Set Up Your Twitter Business Account the Right Way

The right brand persona on Twitter starts with having a professional profile. A lot of entrepreneurs and businesses choose to keep their company profile separate from their personal one – and for good reason.

In order to build an authentic community, it’s important to be consistently recognized by your customers and followers with a message and image that they can become familiar with.

There is a “branding prism” that should be followed according to branding expert, Jean-Noel Kapferer, in an article on Woven Agency. These include a blend of six elements as shown here in their diagram:

There are a few things to pay attention to when establishing a Twitter business account, whether this be a new setup or growing a current profile. In order to have a thriving community follow these tips:

Separate Personal From Business

If you have a strong brand following it’s important to maintain that presence while linking to your company’s Twitter account. For example, you can include both your business website as well as a link to any high profile websites that you write content on such as the Huffington Post. This also applies to those who manage for other companies and choose to have a personal profile that relates to that content.

Don’t Rely on Automation

Social media should ultimately be used for building relationships in addition to being a provider of goods or services. Automation helps to keep your community updated; however, it is good practice to respond to customer issues, retweets, and any questions outside the scope of your average daily tweets. The types of followers on your account should also reflect a strong brand image — it’s never about the numbers, but rather the quality.

Seek Out Relevant Profiles

Take the time to check out profiles and tweets that would be a good fit to connect with for your brand. It’s important that they are active and engaged and share similar content to yours. The quality of followers that they have will also help you to determine their influence as well. Some accounts are simply used to push out information, and you will often find tweets that come directly from another social media platform like Facebook, Instagram, or YouTube. More likely than not these do not make more good connections if they are not responding to their community.

Keep Your Tweets To a Minimum

One of the best ways to lose an audience on Twitter is to send too much information each day. Narrow your focus, and choose your content wisely according to the quality of what is being tweeted out for maximum exposure, retweets and favorites. Here’s what Buffer recommends depending on your niche market:

14 times per day, from midnight to 10:00 p.m. Central Time, never more than once per hour; seven times per day on weekends, from 3:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., roughly every three hours

Send DMs to Those You Have Personal Relationships With

Direct messages should never be used to directly sell a service or to harass new connections. Many times, this can be perceived as ‘spam,’ and most messages are either deleted or avoided. These can become a big turn off for influencers and potential customers — instead, use this as a relationship building tool where you can offer helpful information or ask for advice with someone that you have established a relationship with already.

Stay Active

Large gaps in between your tweets may give the impression that your business is not active on Twitter. Stay up to date by checking in daily along with sharing regular content and updates through the use of a social media scheduler. Ignoring your online community could erode trust and turn away potential contacts with influencers who are following your brand.

Make your Twitter business account the best that it can be by connecting with the right audience, and consistently creating content that best meets their needs. There are both paid and free software tools to help you monitor your brand reputation and track the feedback and response from your followers.


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Online Marketing with Focus - Let Susan Guide you to Online Success. Especially loves to help Authors, Speakers, Coaches & Entrepreneurs. Susan Gilbert uses her laser focus knowledge to coach and provide online marketing and social sharing programs. Author and publisher of several books including “The Land of I Can,” and “KLOUT SCORE: Social Media Influence,” Susan combines online marketing with strategic thinking. Follow her Digital Marketing Tips at her blog: