Quiz: Find Out Why You’re Getting Fewer Comments On Your Blog

It’s starting to become obvious that most bloggers are getting fewer comments on their blogs than they did some years ago.
For ordinary, mortal bloggers, this can be very demoralising. Some may consider this lack of interaction as a sign that nobody loves them or are reading their posts. In fact to them the blogosphere seems to be completely devoid of readers!
Getting fewer comments can have a big effect on bloggers, especially if they put their heart and soul into what they write. A lot of time may have gone into creating these posts, only to have them seemingly spurned and rejected.
Is it the readers that are at fault?
Apart from blaming the readers, it could be possible that you and your blog needs to be adapted or improved? If you’re prepared to consider this, I have created a quiz about getting fewer comments for you to find out more.
However, it is important you are brutally honest about your blog and your attitude to blogging when you do it. This means if you don’t answer exactly what your situation is, the result will be skewed.
You can either take the quiz now, or at the end of this post. Focus on the percentage on the results page. How high or low it is will determine whether you have any work to do.
Quiz: find out why you have a lack of comments on your blog
If you have decided to wait until the end of the post, let’s look at some of the issues this quiz brings up:
Are you connecting with your readers?
First, is your blog’s subject about what your readers want to read? This needs to resonate with the right kind of readers if you want them to stay and read your posts.
Next, take a look at your writing style. Are you conversing with your readers? Think of blogging as transcribing what you want to say to your readers written down in your post.
Talkative people tend to draw a crowd as they know how to communicate. They say things that their readers want to hear, including whatever makes them feel special, welcome, part of a community.
What are you giving them?
It’s worth researching into how popular bloggers work, think and perform, if you want to avoid getting fewer comments on your blog.
For example, many popular bloggers tend to avoid anything serious. Anything they say is presented so it is easy to understand. They retain their connection by using examples their readers can relate to.
How do your posts come across to your readers? Do you use similar words they would use? Do you understand your readers well enough to write the kind of content they really want to read?
Popular bloggers avoid serious subjects or use examples their readers can easily relate to.Click To TweetAre you entertaining enough?
Liven up your posts with your personality and passion. Reveal a bit more about yourself. Express your point of view in relation to yourself or the people around you. Provide a story or an anecdote to back up what you say.
Learn to loosen up with your writing. Shorten your sentences by swapping commas with periods. Delete superfluous words which make your writing difficult to read. Where possible, reduce your paragraphs down to a maximum of four lines.
Imagine talking to your readers, and respond to their conceived answers. Improving your communication makes it is more likely that your readers will be moved to comment.
Liven up your posts with your personality and passion and reveal a bit more about yourself.Click To TweetAvoid giving too much away
There’s no need to include absolutely everything in your posts. Doing research will make your posts more worthy, but avoid this making your posts too complex.
Sometimes, overloading your readers with too much information could result in getting fewer comments. If you’ve covered everything, what is there for your readers to remark on or question?
If there’s no room for argument, or even disagreement, they won’t feel a desire to comment. Your readers will love a well-balanced discussion in the comments, but this will only happen if you leave enough room for that discussion.
Do you really know your readers?
If your readers are more intellectual, they are less likely to provide spontaneous chitchat-like answers such as those on social media. These readers tend to be more reserved and mindful about what they do or say.
Time-poor readers prefer to dip into and skim read multiple posts in one sitting. These readers may not feel disposed to write the suitable comment your post deserves.
Whereas social media readers are quite happy to respond at a drop of a hat. And some might prefer to reach for the like button, rather than spend the time and inclination thinking of something suitable to write.
What prevents your readers?
Blogs contain barriers that prevent instantaneous comments. Moderation creates a delay in publication, and CAPTCHA to combat spam exasperates submission. Even remembering your password to log in to comment evaporates any desire to leave feedback.
Also, blog comments require a more considered and comprehensive response, with good spelling and grammar to get past the moderators. They need a proper beginning and end, almost like mini-posts themselves.
Some blogs are badly designed and prevent readers finding the comment box easily. Or they hide it underneath other call to actions. Unless the process to comment is simplified and made more attractive, the lack of incentive will mean you’re getting fewer comments.
Blog comments require a proper beginning and end, written almost like mini-posts themselves.Click To TweetHow about looking elsewhere?
How about measuring your feedback elsewhere rather than on your blog? Have you considered you’re getting fewer comments on your blog because they are being left somewhere else instead?
Social media is another source of comments to your posts. Even though these comments are readily superseded by new content, they have the added potential of a much larger audience.
Social networking is freer, easier and more instantaneous, but there isn’t any spam moderation, and there is no retention or relation to the original post. These conversations tend to be shorter, bittier and less considered, but they do generate more discussion.
How committed are your readers?
Some readers just aren’t compelled to comment. In fact, only 10% will feel the need to leave a response. And of those, only a few will be worth publishing. Having an ordinary sized readership may be a contributing factor towards getting fewer comments.
Most readers are just happy to read what you’ve written, acknowledge it silently, then continue with their daily lives. They may spend a bit of time thinking about it, and even act upon your advice to transform their lives. But they still won’t leave a comment.
Many readers gather the information they want and then leave. These will rarely bother to leave a comment, even for appreciation purposes. Skim readers will quickly glean the subject before rushing off to the next post. Even if they have the time, they will not have read enough to leave a comment.
It’s not worth giving up just yet
It’s hard being a blogger. So form a tribe of like-minded bloggers to help you. Make some connections and spend time commenting on other blogs to get links back to your blog. This also shows you care what other people write and prove they deserve something in return. I’m not alone in this feeling. Read Lisa Sicard’s slightly different yet complementary take here.
It’s important to carry on writing in spite of getting fewer comments. Focus on writing that viral post to make your commenting dry-spell cease. One day, your lack of comments will be a phenomenon of the past.
Remember, 61% of bloggers get personal satisfaction just from knowing they write good posts, regardless of whether people read them or not. Accept your joy of writing, your ability for self-expression, and the chance to educate and entertain your readers.
61% of bloggers get personal satisfaction just from knowing they write good posts.Click To TweetAre you getting fewer comments nowadays?
What do you have to say on this subject? Why do you think you’re getting fewer comments? Does anything I’ve said here resonate with you? Let me know in the comment box below.
And oh yes, have you done the quiz yet? Remember you need to be honest with your answers if you are to benefit from the results. Go on, have a go – what have you got to lose?
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