10 Phrases to Never Use in Business Emails
We think that writing an email is the simplest possible job to do in a business, and despite that, the number of seemingly small errors we make is simply alarming. Writing business emails – any email, come to that – is apparently not as straightforward and simple as we would like to think. One small…
10 Essential Web Design Usability Statistics [Infographic]
Web design usability is among the leading factors that determine the ranking of a website. It helps the website to effectively deliver its content, earn revenues and pursue its niche in the eCommerce industry. According to the latest trends, 38% of people will leave a website if it has unattractive layout and content. An intelligently…
Boost eCommerce Conversions with 15 Proven Web Techniques
With more retailers getting online, the competition becomes far more severe. The techniques that helped you grow online revenue a couple of years ago are effective no more. Online marketers need to come up with new solutions on how to sell for profit on the modern web. The key purpose of any online store is…
Stop It NOW! Why Are You Posting Re-Hashed Content?
It seems that since the buzz word ‘inbound marketing’ was invented by HubSpot, the world has gone content creation mad. Marketers all over the world became copywriters and the feeling of ‘write and publish as much content as possible’ started to become the norm. Why? Why? Oh Why? I really do not understand why there…
The Top 10 Marketing Trends For 2017 [Infographic]
This article by an old friend of Curatti, Daniel Newman, takes a look at the marketing trends taking shape for 2017, and is a timely installment in our “Great Articles You may have missed” series. Marketing Trends 2017 Visibility is one aspect of marketing that won’t change—regardless of the year. Marketing before and after a…
52 Top Influencers Reveal Their Monetization Secrets
The Ultimate List of Internet, eCommerce & Hosting Facts
Being successful in the world of online business is not impossible, but it’s not easy either. As with anything, the more informed you are, the bigger the chances of reaching your goals. It’s the same with online sales. except that the internet is an ever-changing environment that keeps reinventing and shifting current paradigms. Online sales…
Blogging SEO: The Truth, The Whole Truth & Nothing But The Truth
Over the past couple of weeks I have been asking my followers over on Twitter what SEO marketing tips they want to read and understand. Although I got quite varied responses, which I am working through, one thing stood out from the crowd. Many people still do not understand Blogging SEO. Now, anyone who is…
The Top Digital Marketing Technology Trends & Solutions
Continuing our “Great Articles You may have missed” series….. As the speed with which digital marketing changes continue to increase, business and marketing executives are forced to continually evaluate the effectiveness of their efforts. The importance of understanding the technologies, platforms and content being used is a crucial element of digital marketing success. At the heart…
This Digital Divide Is Leaving Many Companies Behind
What digital divide? Amongst the world’s most innovative nations, the United States is globally known for its cutting-edge digital capabilities. Yet according to a McKinsey report from earlier this year, the U.S. economy is realizing only 18% of its digital potential. The productivity gains digital technologies should be enabling are not being seen in the…
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