Using LinkedIn to Become a Networking Superstar

As the Internet buzzes with social media activity, knowing where to network can be a challenge. While LinkedIn is still viewed by many as an online resume (huge mistake btw!) – it lives at the top of my list for professional networking. Not spending any time on LinkedIn? Let me tell you why you should. LinkedIn operates the world’s…
Your Essential Cheat Sheet for Social Media Image Sizes

Every so often, popular social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, and Google Plus change the format, layout, and style of their networks. Just when you feel comfortable with the most recent updates, along comes a whole new round. One area that continues to evolve is social media images. From cover photos to the exact right dimensions for posts,…
10 Social Media Strategy Ideas that Generate Results

The competition for attention is fierce! No matter where you look – Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus — standing out isn’t easy. But, did you know that 97% of consumers say they now turn to the Internet before making contact with a business? That makes differentiation more important than ever before. As a small business owner or entrepreneur,…
The Secrets to a Powerful Blog Post

As a blogger, finding the right words can make all the difference. And today, with more than 152 million blogs on the Internet, that difference can determine your success. While every blog post won’t be a home run, you will get better with each word you write. When asked her secret to writing award-winning content, PD…
Social Media Etiquette: A Visual Guide

With the advent of technology, social media has become the order of the day. Businesses turn to social media for increased exposure while decreasing their bottom line. And when used effectively, it can allow for greater customer service and improved brand awareness. Unfortunately, it can also lead to mishaps and devastating mistakes with the push…
A 4-Step Plan to Building a Successful Small Business Blog

Is creating a successful blog for your small business at the top of your to-do list? Would you like to build your online presence through blogging, but don’t know where to start? It goes without saying that blogging can benefit your business. Not only can it position you as an industry or subject matter expert,…
Must-Have Social Media Tools Every Small Business Needs

As a busy small business owner, keeping up with social media can feel like a never-ending battle. From content creation to the curation of relevant articles, maintaining a consistent presence takes more time than you have in your day. So, how can you remain interactive while still running your business? That’s where the right tools…