Ann Smarty
February 27, 2023

A Quick Reminder: Evergreen Content and What Small Businesses Need to Know

The term “evergreen content” has been around the Internet for quite some time.

However many businesses still don’t stop to consider how it works. 

It’s not only important for businesses to understand what evergreen content is, but it’s also important to understand why it matters and how to put it into action. 

Evergreen content is a great way to keep your website relevant for years to come, which is something every company wants.

What Is Evergreen Content?

Evergreen content is what some would call timeless. It refers to an article or a piece of content that will always remain relevant to your audience. 

In most cases, the bulk of the content on a homepage or a landing page is going to be evergreen content—you’re going to explain what your product/service actually is, you’re going to explain why it matters, and you’re going to explain how to get started. In most cases, this is never going to change (and if it does change, you will likely change that content on your website anyway). That content would be considered evergreen content.

It is usually the content on your blog that isn’t going to fall into this category. Articles like “Top Ways to Get Healthy in 20XX” or “Current SEO Trends” just aren’t going to stand the test of time. 

They are only going to be relevant for a short time, and then they will become outdated. This content is still incredibly important in terms of engagement and educating your audience, but it’s not evergreen content. Anything with statistics that might change also doesn’t work as evergreen content, no matter how basic the topic may seem!

The Benefits of Evergreen Content

Aside from the obvious benefit—your content will always be relevant—there are a few more advantages you can gain from publishing a lot of evergreen content on your site:

  • Less Work. Once you write evergreen content, you have it for a lifetime. Decrease your workload by re-using this content in different ways.
  • Different Uses. It’s perfectly okay to republish evergreen content on your blog or create an EBook out of the content. One of the biggest problems with evergreen content is that it gets buried in your site, so make sure to bring it back to the surface by either re-using it or using it in a different way.
  • Great for Beginners. Evergreen content is great for your readers, too. You want to educate your audience, and this means starting with those who don’t know the basics. This is where evergreen content will really shine.

Tips for Creating Evergreen Content

Evergreen content can come in any form that you wish, but some of the most popular are FAQ pages, basic facts (ex: What is __?), and lists. Things like product reviews or case studies might always remain true.

However, they won’t always remain relevant. It’s important that every time you set out to write a great piece of evergreen content, you think about relevancy. 

There are also a few tips I recommend keeping in mind when writing:

  • Have a narrow subject matter. Focus on something.
  • Have your evergreen content ready to go so that you can link back to it when publishing other content on your site.
  • Remember that evergreen content is usually best for beginners, so keep things easy.
  • If a statistic or a finding changes, see if you can simply delete that from a piece that used to be evergreen content for you. No need to let the content become outdated if that statistic wasn’t overly important in the first place.
  • Re-promote your evergreen on social media to surface it back and get fresh traffic. Add a separate section to your Linktree or Linktree alternatives to get some clicks on a continuous basis. Remember even evergreen content cannot be stale. 

Extra Tip: If you’re going through your website and doing a content audit, you might find articles that are no longer relevant and seem useless. However, it’s a good idea to see if you can change those articles slightly to make them more evergreen. Sometimes this is as easy as changing a few statistics. You can then republish, and you have a fresh piece of content ready to go.

What are your thoughts on evergreen content? Do you think it’s more difficult to write? How do you generate ideas that will stand the test of time? Let us know your story and your thoughts in the comments below.

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Ann Smarty

Brand and Community Manager at Internet Marketing Ninjas
Ann Smarty is the Community and Brand Manager at Internet Marketing Ninjas. She is also a host of two weekly Twitter chats (#VCBuzz on Tuesdays and #MYBlogU on Thursdays) and a regular speaker at the largest marketing conference Pubcon
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