
Raymond Morin

Generation C: The Future of the Digital Family

One of the most remarkable transformations of our contemporary society can be seen in the way we inform and entertain ourselves through the web and social media. In the last twenty years, digital learning has made a deep impression on new generations, which they’ve harnessed with egocasting and infotainment. In a way, these trends meet…

Raymond Morin

Who Are the True Digital Natives?

Since the last economic crisis of 2008-2009, the influx of digital natives in higher education and the labor market has been a major challenge for society. However, businesses and organizations have been slow to adapt to new paradigms. As a result, the question resurfaces frequently in boardrooms and marketing and public relations agencies: Who really…

Anastasia Ashman

Use Social Context To Connect

Is it just me (and my timelines), or is everyone suddenly talking about the unignorable power of social context? I often see patterns emerging across all my information feeds, from thousands of sources in my realms of culture, media and publishing, technology, marketing, entrepreneurship and leadership. What bubbles to the surface across multiple fields is…