
Michael Nelson

Why You Should Create Digital Marketing Ecosystems Around Your Blog

Without revenue a small business is just a hobby.  So, how does a typical small business go about getting clients and revenue?   More importantly, how can a small business establish a process that continually creates new clients and helps grow revenue?  The answer to this question proves elusive for many entrepreneurs. Typical small business…

Michael Nelson

Do You Know The Most Critical Element of Small Business Marketing?

What your sales back end can tell you about your small business marketing… When considering small business marketing, most owners think about getting exposure and visits/clicks/views, etc.  Little attention is paid to the steps to take after prospects have found you. If you don’t make it clear and easy for prospects to take the next step,…

Michael Nelson

16 Proven Resources for Small Business Owners

As a business owner, it’s challenging to run the business, deliver value to your clients and market/sell to keep the work flowing.  Here are 16 resources that will help make your life easier in these three key areas.  I’ve used each of these or had them recommended by people I trust and respect. What have…

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