From a Social and Solidarity Economy to a Sharing Economy

The New Alternative Economic Systems (Part One) The Emergence Of The Sharing Economy Over the past few years, consumers have naturally developed, in the face of successive recessions, more rational purchasing reflexes. They have become more concerned about the relevance of their purchases and the social benefits they may have. More aware of the inequalities…
Generation C: The ¨Tsunami¨ of Independent Entrepreneurship

Today, there is a real boom in entrepreneurship. Co-working spaces are emerging all over the world.. The American giant, We Work already count 75 offices facilities around the world, and will soon open offices in Montreal. Co-working spaces are actually only one of quite a number of new services aimed directly at entrepreneurs, freelancers and…
Clueing in on the Collaboration Economy

Curatti Social Media Recap #2 We’re in the final weeks of 2014, rapidly approaching the New Year celebrations. 2014 has been yet another banner year for social media, digital marketing, and the era of curation as the companies surrounding the trend make waves. In a 10 article series, we have been counting down the events…