Curatti Best Articles of 2017 – Part Two

4 years and going strong! And we couldn’t have done it without our readers, our contributors and our good friends. As with any website, you will see our evolution if you go to earlier posts. No doubt, this will continue into 2018. The last year has seen a site redesign. The most obvious changes that…
Curatti Best Articles of 2016 – Part Two

Since our launch 3 years ago, Curatti has evolved into a crowd-sourced blog. Was this intended? Probably not! But it’s quite a journey, and one that we lightly guide , but ultimately go along with. In any given week, we will get several inquiries by potential new guest bloggers. There are also no shortage of…
Curatti Best Articles of 2015 – Part 2

2015 has been and gone, and we now welcome 2016 into our lives. May it be the best year yet for you and yours. Once again, we’d like to offer a big thank you to all of our readers and advocates. And of course, we’d like to thank our great writers, who make Curatti what…
Curatti Best Articles of 2014 – Part 3

As we approach the end of our first full year online, we wanted to pay homage to each of our authors by resharing one of their original articles from 2014, along with a brief curation of each. These are presented alphabetically, by first name, and split over 3 days. (In each instance, you can click on…
GENERATION C: From the Boomers to Generation ALPHA

In 1994, when I first encountered the World Wide Web, I had just started a family. I was in my mid-thirties, and I worked as a consultant in finance and as a development strategist for start-ups. Over the years, I glimpsed the major revolution that was taking place with the Web and its implications for…
GENERATION C: The Reign of the Connected Consumers

A new monthly column I am very excited to present you this new monthly column on Generation C on Each month, you will find here a summary of the different sections of my new book, “Generation C and the influence of consumers in social media”. Foreword by Neal Schaffer (now my mentor and friend),…