How To Write A Perfect Guest Post Pitch (We Asked 84 Editors) [Infographic]

Guest posting plays a big role in many content marketing plans, but getting a foot in the door isn’t always easy. Most editors receive up to 10 pitches per day, and with 90% of them being so bad that editors don’t even read them properly, it’s hugely important to make sure that your guest post…
7 Things No Editor Wants To See In Your Guest Contributor Pitch

Link building is huge at the moment. So, many people send guest posts pitches to authoritative websites to get backlinks. Yet, some people do it wrong, making things harder for everyone. Either they don’t know how to write their cold openers or they just don’t pay enough attention to important details, thus making mistakes that…
How Guest Blogging Can Be The Secret To Traffic Success

First, let’s define what guest blogging is in the context of this post. A guest post is high-quality, often original, content that your readers, or the readers of another site, find useful. All that to say it’s not a spammy, content farm method for getting links. So, when Google’s Matt Cutts wrote – “The decay and…