Generation C – The Emergence of Micro-Generations

The demographic evolution of generations in the digital age In his book The ABC of XYZ: Understanding The Global Generations, Australian author Mark McCrindle shared the sociological research of Strauss and Howe to explain the major changes expected in the coming decades, with the arrival of Alpha and Z generations. According to the theory of…
Generation C – Towards a New Baby Boom With Generation Z

According to the US Census Bureau, in 2015, the digital natives of Generation Y (75.3 million) will surpass the Baby Boomers (74.9 million) in number for the first time. In comparison, Generation X is only slightly more than 56 million people. Add to this, according to the latest estimates, over 65 million young generation Z…
Generation C: The Social Benefit of Baby Boomers

With increasing frequency, we hear and read that in the social networks, it is better to focus on the quality of relationships, rather than relying solely on the number of friends and followers. And by investing in more sustainable relationships, we obtain a better ROI with social media. However, in the current context, the baby…
Generation C: Four Generations Converge In The Workplace

Over the next five years, the new generation, Gen Z (1994-2010), will escalate its immersion into the labor market, which for the first time, will include large numbers from four generations. Might there be a clash of generations, or on the contrary, will this merger result in a social transformation of work environments? Hopefully the…
Generation C: The Future of the Digital Family

One of the most remarkable transformations of our contemporary society can be seen in the way we inform and entertain ourselves through the web and social media. In the last twenty years, digital learning has made a deep impression on new generations, which they’ve harnessed with egocasting and infotainment. In a way, these trends meet…
Generation C: Bridging The Digital Divide

The digital divide generations With the influx of digital natives in the labor market in recent years, a tech-skills divide between the generations is becoming more obvious. We see this rift reflected both in the schools and in the family unit. Consequently, the transmission of knowledge and digital learning from one generation to another has…
Who Are the True Digital Natives?

Since the last economic crisis of 2008-2009, the influx of digital natives in higher education and the labor market has been a major challenge for society. However, businesses and organizations have been slow to adapt to new paradigms. As a result, the question resurfaces frequently in boardrooms and marketing and public relations agencies: Who really…
Generation C: Digital Natives In Command

For twenty years, people have been comparing the transformations of the Internet era to the social revolution that the invention of Gutenberg’s printing press ushered in. The development of the printing press at the dawn of the Renaissance opened the door to the democratization of information and the wider dissemination of ideas. Five hundred years…
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