Are Instagram Bots Helpful for Your Business Account? Here’s Everything You Need to Know About Automating Instagram

Robots are taking over the world. No, I’m not talking about the Transformers (although that would be cool). I’m talking about AI tools that are slowly replacing most repetitive work. For many social media marketers, using bots is an easy way of making headway on activity intensive platforms like Instagram. As one of the most…
5 Ways to Create a Data-Driven Content Strategy and Boost Growth?

If you talk about data-driven content marketing, it’s likely to cause most people’s eyes to glaze over. One of the biggest mistakes content marketers make is assuming that creativity is enough to create great content. What they often overlook is a huge aspect of the equation — Data. The content you create needs to deliver…
Why You Should Use Forward Links

For•ward•link•ing – v. the act of inserting links to newer posts into older posts. Ok, full disclosure time… that’s not a real word. I made it up. But, bear with me… it’s worth learning about just the same! Conceptually, it’s quite simple, and based on the ideas of Backlinking and Deep Linking. Backlinks are when…