How Suitable Content Contributes Towards A More Readable Post

If you’ve read my previous posts in this series, you would now be experts in capturing and retaining your readers, and why you are writing your posts. However, any post’s main ingredient is what is written at its heart. And this shouldn’t be just a mass of words, it needs to be suitable content! You may succeed in attracting readers to…
How A Blog Post Introduction Can Make Your Readers Stay

It’s all very well writing an awesome headline to successfully capture your reader. You now need to keep them on your blog to get them to read the rest of the post. Believe it or not, you have less than 3 seconds to make a good enough impression to get your readers to stay. Sometimes even less…
How social sharing can attract more readers to your blog

We all know that whenever you click that publish button, you won’t instantly get thousands of readers clamouring to read your blog. But if you want what you’ve written to be read by more than just your mother and next door’s cat, you will need to promote it. And you also know that one of the best places…