4 Tips to Craft a Winning Unique Value Proposition

In this very competitive world, one of the only things that can set your company apart from others in its category is your value proposition. Also known as a unique selling proposition (USP), this concise statement tells potential customers what value / benefits they can expect from a product or service. Companies also often include…
Scott Monty’s ‘This Week in Digital’: A Case Study in Excellent Content Curation

A few months ago, I showed you how Karen Dietz curates posts on Scoop.it. The article was so well received that I decided to turn the idea into a mini-series. This time, I went for a different example: a roundup. This form of curation consists in bringing together a series of related posts in an easy-to-digest…
Content Curation: A Case Study in Doing It Right

Like content creation, curation is not a one-size-fits-all tactic. There are many ways to do it right. As many, in fact, as there are curators. With that said, curation is an art form. It goes beyond the simple acts of copying and pasting a paragraph or two from an article, adding a link, and sharing…