Articles by Anna Rud

Anna Rud
April 5, 2018

How to Come Up With Ideas for Evergreen Content

Ideas for Evergreen Content

More than 2 million blog posts go live every day. That many every day? How can my article break through this competition and reach the reader? No magic rule can help you stand out. But here is the thing: all these blog posts can be divided into two groups. Some die in a matter of days,…

Anna Rud
January 31, 2018

5 Editorial Guidelines Based Tips To Writing Better Content

Editorial Guidelines

As a content marketer, I have to read editorial guidelines literally every single day. I’ve read so many of them that sometimes I can predict the end of sentences. Some can argue that every blog has its particular requirements, but there are always some common things I find on every “write-for-us” page. The main points…

Anna Rud
December 28, 2017

Guest Blogging Outreach: How to Pitch an Article No One Will Turn Down

Guest Blogging outreach

When we embark on our guest blogging outreach, we’ve all have heard some variation of the words “I have to pass this time.” It’s important to remember that even highly-respected influencers have been through this before. They simply were learning from their failures instead of giving up. Sure, there is no magic formula for creating…

Anna Rud
November 29, 2017

How To Turn Your Good Idea Into a Great Article

Turn Your Good Idea Into a Great Article

Blank pages are the deepest fear of everyone who is involved in the process of writing. Every day you’re looking for the topics that you believe your audience will love. Once your post is ready, you face another problem: what heading to choose so that your great article might shine? Well, in short, there are…

Anna Rud
October 31, 2017

Quick SEO Win: How to Refresh Your Old Content

Refresh Your Old Content

You write compelling content which you believe can go viral. Your articles are full of value for the reader, including illustrative examples and useful tips. What could go wrong? We know this harsh truth about content marketing: it doesn’t matter how brilliant your article is if no one can find it on the Internet. Unfortunately,…