
It’s a Publish or Perish World for Content Marketers

By Lee Traupel

So, you just uploaded some great content to your blog post and shared it across you social accounts expecting a signal back from the universe.

But nothing: a ping with no echo.

Instead the old hawk and drone story hit you upside the head. #realization

You remember, the one your grandad used to tell you sitting around the wood stove?

Everything old is new again and William Randolph Hearst was more prescient than even he imagined!

It’s a publish or perish world.

Over 70% of marketers today struggle with creating a coherent marketing strategy.

That’s not going to be reassuring.

Proactive steps your business should take.

I repeatedly hammer home themes about the importance of content syndication and using an editorial calendar but, this is not be enough.

Know and differentiate between content syndication, social platforms like LinkedIn, vs. publishing: getting your content shared via other sites or newsletters.

These are not the same and require distinct marketing process and a well planned content marketing strategy.

Get emotional even if you are marketing to other businesses.

B2B brands some times forget emotion is a critical aspect of your content marketing.

Emotion cuts through the clutter.

Look for contextual clues from your customers that identify areas where they need help.

Twitter’s built in direct response functionality is used by bigger brands for identifying customers having problems with direct competitors.

Remember the thing you occasionally hold in your hands on the week-ends that is not electronic?

Great content is still about writing awesome headlines. See: Hearst.

Test headlines and gear the latter for your audience and platform.

Some times attention grabbing headlines “What I Learned About Social Media via Andy Warhol” do not get as much traction a a more mundane title: “5 Myths of Modern Advertising ( @digiday). Test and retest your headlines.

But, remember, platform, customer focus, type of content (short or high value long form) will have a big impact on the engagement with your headline.

Commenting on other sites is not content nirvana and it’s quite a slog for many businesses.

But, the offset is visibility, if you are commenting on the right sites.

Over half a billion comments are made on sites across the web each month.

Don’t ask an intern or somewhere offshore to do this for you. It’s brand suicide.

The commenter should know what the hell they are talking about or the comment is going to look lame. Or, it won’t get published.

Everything You Need to Know About Publishing

There is no sage or agency that can tell you exactly what you need to know.

Some of this is going to be trial and error, coupled with content feedback loops (traffic, conversions, testing, etc.).

Make a distinction between publishing and content syndication.

Both are critical to giving your content real reach.

It’s a two screen world at times and cross channel brand development with repetition may determine success or failure.

Have some fun with your content; mix and match facts with a dash of humor.

Create smart content that informs and engages.



Originally titled “It’s a Publish or Peril World for Content Marketers’ and republished from the Linked Media blog with permission


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Top 100 #Socialmedia Global Influencer | CEO of Curatti, Publisher of #B2B #Content | Author/ Digital Marketing Strategist |