
6 Ways To Optimize Your Site For The Google Page Experience Update

In 2021, on a date that has not yet been announced, Google will be launching a new update called the ‘Page Experience Update’. It will promote sites that load faster and offer a good user experience. The announcement was made on May 20, 2020.

People love websites that load faster. Several experiments conducted by Google show that speed is one of the most crucial factors that drastically improve the user experience. 

Based on the experiments, Google came to know that by slowing down the search results pages by half a second caused the number of searches to drop by 0.2%. That’s significant considering the volume of searches Google handles every second. 

The bottom line is – page speed has a direct impact on Google’s business. If people conduct fewer searches due to slow speed, PPC revenue would be less, leading to lower overall profits. Hence, Google started to emphasizea page speed. After making its search platform speedy, it now aims to make the whole web faster. 

Besides, Google also found that non-responsive websites offer poor user experience, and users quickly dump such sites. As a result, Google is now focusing on providing users with interruption-free journeys. 

As a webmaster or a business owner, it is vital to optimize your website to keep your site safe in the organic rankings after the Page Experience Update comes into play.

Here are the best ways that will help you to optimize your website for the Page Experience Update:

1- Optimize For the Core Web Vitals

Web Vitals are a group of metrics that are essential to delivering a quality experience on the web. Currently, there are three vital or core metrics that Google considers. These are:

Don’t get confused with these new metrics. You only need to take some actions to optimize your site for the core web vitals. These are:

2- Make Sure Your Web Pages Are Mobile-Friendly 

The next thing you should do is to check the important pages on your site with the Mobile-Friendly Test tool. Remember to check all of the essential pages and not just the website homepage because the results might be different. 

In case your page is not mobile-friendly, you should apply the suggestions offered by the tool. 

Additionally, check your web pages on the Bing Mobile-Friendly test tool. Sometimes, Bing will help you identify issues and suggest changes that are easy to apply. 

3- Improve the UX

Take every step to improve user interaction on your website. From content to URL structure, everything should be perfect. 

You can conduct a UX audit to evaluate all the areas that need a revamp to offer an impressive user experience. 

To make things easier for you, I have created a checklist of the top things useful in improving the UX of your website. Here they are:

4- Speed Up Your Website

As suggested at the start of the article, speed is one of the prime ranking factors after content and links. Websites that load faster enjoy higher rankings because they are able to satisfy the intent of the users faster. 

Check your webpage using the Google Page Speed Insights tool. This tool will quickly analyze your webpage and offer actionable advice to make the page load faster. 

Here are some useful suggestions to speed up your website:

Editor’s note: There are plenty of tools that can help you to speed up your website. We’ve started to use Hummingbird Pro, which is very useful. First though, make sure to optimize your images! For that, we used WP Smush Pro. Both are in the WPMUDEV suite of tools. And these and more are discussed on our tools page.

5- Optimize the Images 

One of the best ways to speed your website, offer a better UX, and fix your core web vital issues is by optimizing all the images on your site. 

We all know that image optimization deals with reducing the image file size and adding proper alt tags. However, not everyone knows that one of the best ways to optimize the images is by changing the extension of the image to WebP. 

WebP is a new image format for the web that helps to reduce the size of the image by up to 26%. That’s a whole lot of savings. 

You are lucky if you are using a WordPress site because you can easily convert all your website images into WebP by using this WordPress plugin.

If you are using any other platform, then you have to use an online converter such as this one. However, this process is lengthy and you must take the support of the hosting platform and the developer before making any changes. 

6- Ensure Your Site Doesn’t Have Too Many Ads And is Safe to Browse

You have to make sure that your website is not an ad powerhouse. You should have ads on your site but in a limited manner that does not degrade the user experience.

Also, make sure that your site does not host malware because Google is quick to remove websites from their database that contain malware.

The best way to check if your website is safe to browse is by using the Google Search Console. You will instantly receive a notification as soon as Google is able to find any malware on your website. 

Make sure your website satisfies the user intent and does not annoy the visitors with ads. Last but not the least, regularly check your site via Search Console to keep your site safe for browsing. 


Google Page Experience is a revolutionary algorithm that is about to launch in the next year (2021). Unlike other search algorithm updates, Google will make sure to inform the webmasters before launching the update. Hence, the webmasters will get ample time to prepare their website for the changes needed. Use the discussed six ways to optimize your site for the Page Experience Update and capitalize on it by achieving higher rankings and acquiring more leads. 


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Joydeep Bhattacharya

Joydeep Bhattacharya is the author of the SEO Sandwitch Blog where he shares his latest tips and tutorials to learn SEO and Digital Marketing. He is a regular contributor to publications like SEMrush, Search Engine Watch, Smartinsights, ClickZ, and many others.