
5 Types of Videos That Will Boost Your Content Marketing Strategy

The dream of video marketers has finally come true: people want to see more videos from the brands they love. It’s not a sales pitch or the promise of a distant future. People really prefer videos over other content types. That should be reason enough to put them at the center of your content marketing strategy.

Chances are you are already doing it, and it’s highly likely that it’s working out for you. So, what’s the next step? Keep putting out videos without rhyme or reason? Of course not. Just shooting videos because people want to watch them is a poor excuse.

Instead, infusing your sales funnel with the right kind of videos is the work you need to do for a shot at video marketing glory. Giving people what they want when they want it is what every winning strategy is about.

The following video types are guaranteed to make your business stand out from the crowd, gain potential customers and build brand trust. Let’s check them out!

Educational Videos

Educating your audience about their pain points is essential. These videos are obviously for that. They dig deeper into those pain points to help people understand what they are going through – and what they can do to solve it.

Videos showing things to keep in mind when maintaining the health of your car’s motor, positioning in the top spot of YouTube, or making your dog less anxious are all great examples of this type. That’s because they all show the 2 basic features of educational videos:

If you provide those things with your educational videos, you’ll get all the benefits that come with them. Namely:

Those angles include:

A final suggestion is that you have to create educational videos only for the questions your audience wants answered. Research beforehand and only tackle the issues that your customers are eagerly waiting for.

How-To Videos

If you’re thinking “hey, how-to videos are kind of educational, aren’t they?”, you’re not wrong. So why cover them individually? Because these videos have a very particular language and form – and because their position as one of the most watched video types calls for just that.

The goal of these videos is to give you step-by-step explanations on how to do certain things such as creating an Instagram story, replacing an accessory in your coffee maker, or how to wash that nasty stain from your jeans.

That’s why every how-to video should be:

How can how-to videos boost your content marketing? By doing these:

Here’s what you need to stand out with yours.

Explainer Videos

A short video explaining your company sounds like the most basic thing there is – and that’s true! An explainer video is an essential resource for any brand to engage with its potential customers. These videos are a mixture of informational and educational content that focus on a specific problem while providing some insight into the company’s solution for it.

The key features of any explainer video include:

Some of them are:

Customer Testimonials

Any experienced business owner knows that there’s no better marketing than having your customers be happy. But perhaps you don’t realize how much that means in the digital era. Just listen to this – 85% of American consumers trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations.

That’s why you’ve surely seen a rise of customer testimonial videos across the land. They focus on satisfied customers and trust them to show why your brand is worth doing business with.

The key features of any customer testimonial include:

Those 3 things combined can make for a strong testimonial video capable of giving you some nice benefits, like:

Company Story Videos

While explainer and product videos put your products and services in the forefront, company story videos put you and the people behind the brand in the spotlight. These kinds of videos are designed to showcase your core values and the people that embody them. They are meant to show your human side and to empathize with your customers on a more meaningful level.

What are the features that make a company story video?

Believe it or not, company story videos can help with several marketing goals (as well as supporting your recruiting efforts). They might seem trite and cliché to some people, but in reality, they can:

As with all of the videos above, all the benefits for your content marketing depend on how well you create these explainer videos.

These are some of the things you should keep in mind:

Some final words

A well-nurtured video marketing strategy will have you creating more videos than the ones listed here. However, these are great as starting points since the benefits they can bring you are invaluable – more traffic, more brand awareness, more quality leads, more conversions, a positive impact on your SEO, and more.

And since the whole world is already moving towards video, having a basic set of video types to go to whenever you need to feed a special part of your buyer’s journey is mandatory at this point. Don’t want to feel left out? Then these videos are where you should be starting.


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Víctor Blasco is the founder and CEO of the explainer video company Yum Yum Videos. He is also an audiovisual designer and video marketing expert. Aside from running the business, he loves studying Chinese Philosophy and is a real geek for science fiction films and comics!