
Social Media Etiquette: A Visual Guide

With the advent of technology, social media has become the order of the day.

Businesses turn to social media for increased exposure while decreasing their bottom line. And when used effectively, it can allow for greater customer service and improved brand awareness.

Unfortunately, it can also lead to mishaps and devastating mistakes with the push of a button.

While there are a few social media etiquette rules we can all agree upon, such as don’t overshare personal info (yep, that includes your breakfast), there are those lesser-known gaffs you might still be making.

Would you like to know how to conduct yourself appropriately, no matter the social network? Ready to increase your use of social media without committing an embarrassing faux-pas?

Below you will find a visual guide to social media etiquette rules to today’s top networks, including real business examples and a handy Infographic!

Social Media Etiquette for Business


Want to build better relationships on Facebook? Get interactive, responsive and targeted.

Know the needs of your fans and consistently give it to them, day after day.

Facebook Etiquette Dos and Don’ts

Skittles has brought the brand alive through a fun, witty and quirky social media persona.

They’re completely in tune with the needs (and wants) of their community, providing an interactive and highly engaging experience.


Twitter has changed the way businesses communicate with consumers. No longer required to pick up the phone to connect with you, Twitter gives potential clients easy access to your brand story.

Want to expand your presence through the power of Twitter? Follow these simple rules!

Twitter Etiquette Dos and Don’ts

I’m always impressed with the team at Sprout Social. As a company focused on providing a robust social media management tool, Sprout Social walks the talk.

Just browse through their Twitter stream and you’ll see how interactive and responsive they are.

What can you learn from paying attention to your Twitter followers? How can you consistently show you care?

Google Plus

Google Plus can provide rocket fuel to your already established online brand.

With a tie to the world’s largest search engine, testing the marketing waters just makes sense.

But as with all social networks, Google Plus has its own set of rules.

Google Plus Etiquette Dos and Don’ts


They say a picture is worth a thousand words, so share your story across this visual medium. As one of the newer networks on the block, Instagram is rife with social media faux pas.

Instagram Etiquette Dos and Don’ts

As Sue B. Zimmerman, aka The #InstaGal says,

Instagram is a goldmine of a business-building tool that you dont want to overlook.

However, don’t just grab content for the sake of posting something. Be strategic and tailor your content to the network and your audience.


As the Internet buzzes about with social media activity, identifying what sites provide the best networking opportunity is simply a mouse click away.

LinkedIn, the largest online professional network, is an excellent resource for job seekers and brands alike.

But don’t get caught making these errors.

LinkedIn Etiquette Dos and Don’ts

Viveka von Rosen, author of LinkedIn Marketing: An Hour a Day and founder of Linked Into Business offers this advice via Social Media Examiner.

Consumers now tell us want they want. A large part of prospecting is to know who your ideal clients are and know their needs. Facebook, Yelp, LinkedIn and Twitter make the research a lot easier. With a combination of keywords, titles, company name and location, you can use the Advanced Search on LinkedIn to discover the people you want to interact with. These are your prospects.


I don’t know how this one didn’t make it to the Infographic, but Pinterest definitely tops my list as a go-to social network for business.

Unfortunately, the best way to use Pinterest to market your business is still unclear for many.

Avoid Pinterest pitfalls and newbie mistakes with these simple Pinterest rules.

Pinterest Etiquette Dos and Don’ts

One of my favorite brands to follow is Ben and Jerry’s. Each board creates a visual correlation between brand and product and an easy way for followers to repin their tasty pins.

As a dessert lover, their “Yummy” board is a must follow. I mean, who doesn’t love s’mores? Oh that ooey gooey goodness!

Final Thoughts

While the word “etiquette” might sound a little old-fashioned, it’s still an important component in your social media interaction.

Not only does it make everyone’s use of social media more enjoyable, but it eliminates the often messy outcome associated with breaking the rules.

What have I missed? What social media etiquette rule would you add to the list?

Grab the Infographic

A Visual Guide to Social Media Etiquette – An infographic by the team at TollFree Forwarding

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Originally titled A Visual Guide to Social Media Etiquette and pubished on

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Rebekah Radice is the founder of Rebekah Radice, LLC and a founding partner of Imagine WOW; digital marketing agencies committed to helping business professionals align strategy and intention for breakthrough social media results. Rebekah is the author of and the author of “How to Use Social Media to Virtually Crush the Competition and recently named an Inman Top 100 Most Influential Leader for the second year in a row, as well as one of the Top Social Media Professionals to Follow.