
Nobody Hears The Customer Screaming

I recently attended two major customer service events here in Italy. The first was ‘Chat Bots For Enterprise‘ which  took place in Florence and it was mainly attended by software providers. The second one, ‘Customer day‘, was held in my home city, Milan. Many customer service directors of major brands gathered to tell about how they are embracing digital transformation.

What did these two events have in common? They were very much focused on tools rather than on the recipient (i.e. the customer). Of course that should not happen! After all, it is the customer who decides to spend his money buying your products or services instead of your competitors’.

So what’s going on with customer service nowadays?

What does being customer-centric mean?

What I’ve just described above is happening all over the world regardless brands size. In fact even though there are a plethora of organizations claiming themselves as ‘customer-centric‘, few of them show that they really care about customer’s needs and expectations.

The  funny thing is that we can deal with customers with so many more channels than ever before: phone, email, social networks, live chat, instant messaging apps, chat bots, etc. Nevertheless they often don’t feel considered by brands. Just consider that over 5o% of them stopped doing business because of poor customer service. In this regard, a few days ago I came across a great article on called ‘Customer-centric culture does not happen overnight‘, that’s really enlightening. Below is my favorite excerpt:

Starting from your company values, hiring the right talent, you need to create an environment where every employee in your firm takes customer experience into consideration before making any decisions.

You can enjoy the full article HERE.

What can you do today to take care of your customers?

Whether you are a small business owner or manager of a big enterprise, you have to leave the ‘price battleground‘ if you want take your business to the next level. In fact, if you only compete on prices, you may risk being too focused on acquisition, rather than on customer retention.

That’s the difference between a short and a long-term business approach.

If instead you want to build a rock-solid business, do invest on customer relations, which means:

If nobody hears the customer, that one should never be YOU.

Your turn

Thanks for your time for reading this article, hope you’ve found it useful. My final considerations are actually two questions for you:

  1. Are you willing to invest in customer service to stand out from your competitors? That’s the new battleground, so you’d better get onboard soon.
  2. Do you feel that nobody hears the customer or have a different view? Let’s keep this conversation going on in the comments below.


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Paolo Fabrizio

Digital Customer Service Consultant, Trainer, Author, Speaker. Paolo has been helping companies to harness digital customer service as a business driver. Founder of CustomerServiceCulture, author of books and speaker at conferences in Italy and abroad. Lecturer at the Bicocca University of Milan