
Need Lead Gen? Don’t We All! LinkedIn Still Reigns Supreme

“Do you need Led Gen for your business”, is surely about as silly as a question as can be asked? What are you in business for, if not to make money, no matter how modest your aims?

There have been any number of articles over the years that demonstrate how LinkedIn is easily the strongest source of Lead Gen – particularly for B2B. Turns out that, despite many predictions of LinkedIn’s pending demise over the last year or so, it remains far and away the best platform for B2B companies to make connections and do business.

This article by Social News Daily was from 2014.

It shows the following percentages for B2B Leads Generated on Social Media, by network:

Fast forward to LinkedIn’s own 2017 report, which was actually published late last year.

“80% of  B2B marketing leads sourced through Social Media come from LinkedIn”

Basically, no change in 3 years.

B2B Lead Gen on LinkedIn

OK, so the Infographic here is by LinkedIn. Don’t let that put you off though. They aren’t the only ones singing their praises!

In 2015, Investis reported that 46% of Corporate website visits that originated on Social Media, came via LinkedIn.

The same year, John Hall published a piece on Forbes, detailing how people can create an effective LinkedIn Lead Generation strategy.

Lead Gen forms on Facebook, have more recently evened the playing field with LinkedIn, with the latter fighting back. Whereas Facebook will be preferred by many, according to Leadsbridge, the quality of leads from LinkedIn is still superior

The LinkedIn B2B Marketing Infographic

Just a few of the more astonishing results from two companies:

And a couple of LinkedIn’s own stats:

Word of caution on the company stats: These are certainly not numbers that might be achieved by beginners, or without trial and error…. and a lot of testing. And in all likelihood, if you’ve not had some major lead gen success in the past, investing in some help would more than pay you back.

Over To You

What platform do you prefer for LinkedIn? Have you tried more than one in order to reach that conclusion? Can you share any success stories?

Featured image: Copyright: ‘‘ / 123RF Stock Photo

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Andy Capaloff

Andy Capaloff is the COO of Curatti. Prior to moving into the world of Content Marketing, Social Media Management and the day-to-day running of a Digital Marketing company, Andy spent over 3 decades in various aspects of IT. It is here that he honed his writing and technical skills, and his ability to ask uncommon questions.