
7 Steps For Writing The Perfect Landing Page Copy (With Examples)

Whether you’re a B2B sales manager, B2B sales rep, or a digital marketer, if you have ever attempted to write a landing page copy that converts, then you already know what a daunting task that can be. 

Luckily, you don’t have to be a master wordsmith to write a copy that speaks to your audience. 

All you need is the right formula to help you get started creating great copy for your landing pages – and that’s exactly what this article is about. 

In it, you will discover 7 steps for writing the perfect landing page copy, as well as examples for each step. 

Without further ado, let’s get right to it!

Step #1: Establish the Primary Goal of Your Landing Page

What is the purpose of your landing page? 

Your first step is to answer this question in detail. 

For instance, is the goal of your landing page to generate leads

Do you want to offer a lead magnet relating to your industry so you can grow your list

Or maybe you want to focus on segmenting your email list so you can grow a more niche-focused audience? 

It could even be that you want to encourage product sales and make money from your landing page traffic.

The most common landing page copy goals include things such as:

Whatever your goal, your landing page copy needs to elicit actions from your audience that will help you accomplish that goal.

Say, for instance, your brand offered a predictive dialing tool. 

You might create a landing page with an offer for a FREE demonstration so prospects can experience the potential of the tool. 

With that in mind, below are a few considerations to create landing page copy that converts.

The copy must be:

When going through the rest of the steps, use the points above to make sure you incorporate each of the characteristics into every step.

And remember, these tips apply even on your landing page pop-ups

Step #2: Find the Core Problem

The main goal of your landing page is to drive action. 

For this to happen, you must guide your audience from where they are at the time of landing on your page, to the point where they take the action you want them to take. 

This means you have to map out a linear narrative journey. 

To do this, first identify the main problem faced by your target audience.

For example, an SEO copywriter might build his landing page around most business owners’ lack of SEO knowledge which results in the inability to rank their content high in the search engines.

When you’ve located the main issue, it’s simply a matter of writing copy that ethically agitates them. 

After all, it’s hard to motivate people to solve problems they don’t even know exist. 

So, ask yourself the following questions:

Write down anything that comes to mind, and then order the problems based on the impact they have on your target audience

Do your best to determine ONE CORE PROBLEM for your landing page copy. 

This is essentially a practice in what’s called customer empathy mapping.

Also called “customer journey mapping”, this is where you try to look at the problem from your audience’s point of view.

Here’s an example from a sleep website, Sleep Junkie

Their landing page is designed to position them as experts in the industry, and they focus on their customers’ problems with finding the right mattress size and dimension for optimal sleep. 

And remember, in as much as your page needs a singular objective, it also needs to focus on a singular audience in order to be effective. 

If you know the exact audience you’re addressing, then it’s easy to determine their main problem. 

You may also want to read: Optimize Conversions from Your Website Landing Page

Step #3: Offer Your Solution As the Obvious Choice

Mapping out a linear narrative journey for your landing page copy starts with finding the core problem, as explained above. 

Your next step is to offer your solution as the number one choice

Keep in mind that customers have TONS of choices when it comes to purchasing products and services to solve their problems. 

So why should they choose yours? 

As an example:

If someone was searching for a reliable web host, they might come across a comparison of Bluehost and Hostgator

What would make them choose one over the other? 

It all comes down to being able to perfect your unique selling proposition (USP)

This will allow you to set your business apart from the competitors. 

You also need to have a well-defined value proposition that focuses on how your customers’ lives will be improved by using your product. 

As such, when creating your landing page copy, your customer must be positioned as the hero

Clearly show what THEY will get by choosing you over your competitors. 

Your value proposition is simply a short sentence or phrase that describes the “value” your customer will get from your products or service. 

It’s often used as a headline or subheader on your landing page.

Your value proposition should accomplish the following things:

Examples from Popular Brands:

Evernote: Remember Everything

Evernote has a wide range of products and apps that make modern life manageable. 

Their value proposition is simple: Their tools let you easily find and collect everything that matters.

Preply: Prepare to Speak Confidently

Preply has online tutors and language experts from all around the world. 

They offer lessons to help you learn how to speak naturally so you can make a good impression in any language. 


TimeTackle: Optimize Your Time

This site offers a WordPress guest blogging plugin that allows bloggers to build links, drive more traffic, and increase their rankings. 

They have a simple value proposition that speaks to all bloggers’ needs: More posts, Less legwork.  



As you can see, the value propositions above describe what the company will do for you and how they’re going to do it.

If you are struggling to come up with a value proposition for your product or service, use the following template to help you get started:

“I help [niche/audience] to [solve problem/achieve result] by [product/service]”

Step #4: Communicate the Desired Outcome

The solution you offer is meant to assist your audience in solving a problem so they can reach some goal in their life. 

This is what is called a “desired outcome”, and it will often relate to the bigger visions that your audience has for their business or personal life. 

So, in addition to positioning your product or service as the ideal solution, you also need to communicate the desired outcome

To do this, focus on how your product works, as well as its features and benefits. 

For example, a site that offers webinar software, such as the one in the image below, might build a landing page around how businesses can use webinars to increase sales – an outcome that many businesses desire. 

The bulk of your landing page copy will be made up of: 

Having a firm understanding of your customer journey will be of great help in writing this copy. 

You can use customer behavior analysis tools to help you get these right and make your landing page more effective. 

Once you have a draft of your landing page copy, there are still a few other important elements that can have a major impact on the success of your landing page: 

Below, we take a look at each of them in more detail.

You may also want to read: How To Increase Landing Page Conversions (13 Pro Tips)

Step #5: Headline Copy

As anyone in marketing will tell you, your headline is important as it’s one of the first things your audience sees when they get to your landing page. 

It’s your chance to make a good first impression, and it’s crucial to get it right. 

You want to craft a captivating headline that IMMEDIATELY captures the attention of your audience and compels them to continue reading about your offer. 

If your headline is vague, or if it feels like it isn’t a fit for your audience, they may not believe the offer is right for them and click away from your landing page. 

You need to ensure that your headline conveys the value of your offer

It should address their UNIQUE pain points and offer a helpful solution

You can write your headline as a simple statement or as a question. 

Using a question headline is particularly effective because it naturally leads your landing page visitors to read the description copy that follows (which we talk about in the next step).

If you are having trouble coming up with headlines, here are a few headline formulas to get you started. 

Simply fill in your own information to complete the prompts:

  1. How to Turn [Problem] into [Desired Outcome]
  2. Worried You’ll Never Achieve [Desired Outcome]?
  3. Here’s Your Chance to Accomplish [Desired Outcome] with [Free Offer]
  4. [X] Genius Ways to Solve [Pain Point]

Pro Tip: Keep your headline short and concise. About five to twelve words should do it. 

And remember to always use a tool like Copyleaks to ensure your copy is 100% original and error-free.

Step #6: Description

Just like your headline, your description should be short and to the point. 

It’s meant to give your landing page visitors any additional information they may require before making the decision to take the action required on your landing page. 

The description should be no longer than two paragraphs (about 2 to 4 sentences), and the copy should:

While it’s all right to have one-sentence descriptions for your landing page copy, it’s a good idea to give more details.

This will help you make an easy transition to the call to action.

For instance, say you were building a landing page focused on order confirmation emails.

You might have a more detailed description that lets business owners know why it’s vital to have the right template for such emails. 

You can even use the example above (or any other description, as a matter of fact) as a template to create your own landing page description by inserting your information, as follows:

Prepare for your next [pain point 1] using this [offer] that will help bring you [desired outcome] and reduce your [pain point 2].”

You may also want to read: How To Build The Perfect Website Landing Page

Step #7: Call to Action (CTA) Button Copy

Once your audience has read your landing page headline and description, they will be searching for instructions on what they should do next. 

That’s where your call to action comes in. 

Sales expert advice is clear about the fact that while your CTA button text may be the smallest amount of copy on the landing page, it should be unmistakable

First of all, it should be clearly visible on the page so your audience knows what to do at a glance in order to take the next step. 

Secondly, your CTA should be worded in a way that encourages your audience to click the button and take the next step. 

This is essential as your CTA directly affects your conversions

One of the best ways to craft effective CTAs is by including action words like “download”, “buy”, “join”, etc. in your button copy.

Depending on the action you want your audience to take, you might choose CTA button text such as:

Whatever you choose, make sure the wording is aligned with the rest of the landing page copy, as well as your brand voice

Here’s an example of an effective CTA button copy from a popular brand that sells sexy outfits:


As you can see, the brand does a good job of using a strong and compelling call to action to get their audience to consider sending lingerie on Valentine’s day, instead of the traditional gift of flowers. 

Pro Tip: Creating a landing page copy is just the first step. You also need to have a HIGH-CONVERTING landing page design for your page to be successful. 

Luckily, there are easy ways to build great-looking and well-optimized landing pages, such as using a website landing page builder like Wix or Shopify

Also, remember to use the right tools like this online video maker to help you create visually appealing videos and images that will make your landing page memorable. 

If you can’t create the images for your landing page yourself, you can hire a freelancer to do it for you. 


There you have it. 7 steps for writing the perfect landing page copy. 

Whether you’re a content marketer, email marketer, influencer, or paid acquisition manager, use the information in this article to help you craft effective landing page copy that speaks to your audience and drives conversions.

Your turn! What other techniques do you know for writing killer conversion copy? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

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Burkhard Berger is the founder of awesomex™. You can follow him on his journey from 0 to 100,000 monthly visitors on His articles include some of the best growth hacking strategies and digital scaling tactics that he has learned from his own successes and failures.