
Why Your Customer Support Needs To Be More Proactive

Like it or not, we live in a world where speed matters. As customer support conversations flow more and more over digital channels, it’s no wonder that saving or wasting time makes a huge difference. That’s why smart organizations have realized that being proactive is key to delivering excellent customer experiences consistently. So how can you effectively harness such important ingredients in your daily conversations?

Proactive vs Reactive Support

First and foremost let’s tell proactive from reactive customer service. Since the best way to do that is to provide your customers with real case examples, I’m sure you’ll find these ones below clear and straight to the point. ↓

Infographic: ‘Leveraging Proactive Support’ ebook – Kustomer.

So, whenever you have a conversation with your customer, imagine reversing roles and think like the customer: what would you expect to happen during that conversation? Is the support agent understanding your extra demands or doubts? If so, how? Putting your support team into the customer’s shoes is the first step to conceive, then set up an effective and proactive conversational approach. Of course, remember to fine-tune the most frequent situations you may face with customers in order to prevent digital customer experience headaches.

Customers Reward Proactivity

Now let’s talk about customers. From the pandemic onwards they – thus all of us – have dramatically raised expectations on various engagement aspects. More specifically, when it comes to asking for support, they award those who are able to be proactive during the conversation. They just love it because they:

Such a demand for proactivity applies to any support channel and where effectively delivered, it takes customer experiences to the next level. The best-received proactive support by customers is over synchronous channels such as phone and live chat. A recent Accenture study ‘End-to-Endless Customer Service’ has certified that being proactive with customers definitely pays off, both for B2C and B2C companies.

Over To You

Being proactive has become a prerequisite to delivering excellent customer experiences. As a consequence, you’d better constantly review and implement internal processes to stay abreast of your competitors.

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Paolo Fabrizio

Digital Customer Service Consultant, Trainer, Author, Speaker. Paolo has been helping companies to harness digital customer service as a business driver. Founder of CustomerServiceCulture, author of books and speaker at conferences in Italy and abroad. Lecturer at the Bicocca University of Milan