
How to Start a Business Blog [Infographic]

Over the years, blogging has changed. But it has changed for good. It was always personalized and meant to share personal views and knowledge. Now, it is more diverse, creating social and economic avenues for everyone who is connected to the internet. Having a business blog has long since become an essential part of any business. This post is for those setting up new businesses or refreshing their blog. It also makes for a quick visual reference for those seeking a hint or two on improving their current content strategy.

The State of Blogging

Smart businesses love blogging and do it consistently. Not that they have been doing it for no reason. They are 13 times more likely to get positive returns than set-ups who don’t take blogging seriously.

They even get 97% more links to their website. And this is huge, given the fact that modern-day SEO is all about link building.

The 2017 State of Inbound report for business marketing reaffirmed the marketing challenges that have been expressed for several consecutive years in the past. Generating traffic and leads continues to be the major pain for marketers across the globe.

Having said this, it only makes sense to invest in multiple content marketing strategies. We know social media delivers the fastest and is perhaps the most effective means to announce promotions, schemes and offers. But blogging establishes a business as an industry expert and offers long-term gains.

The Content Preferences report by Demand Gen last year said, around 47% of B2B buyers went through 3-5 pieces of content before engaging the sales rep. In other words, more than half of the customers are potentially lost, if content is overlooked.

Content quality is equally important as much as updating the blog consistently. Quoting influencers or industry experts, hiring subject matter professionals and covering red-hot stories are some plain tricks that top blogs follow.

Another common ploy is to make the content a collection of related topics. This is essentially to tap cross-selling opportunities.

Start a Business Blog [Infographic]

We present this excellent and informative infographic, which is a perfect guide to step by step blog creation.

Any Comments?

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Additional reading: Tools, Apps and Plugins: The Making Of A Website

Robert was born in Malmo, Sweden 27 years ago. He is interested in computers, tech and the web since his school days. He built his first website in 2004 and has been a full-time web developer and designer ever since. Over the years, he has helped various bloggers, small businesses and start-ups with their online presence. He has no intention of slowing down! You can tweet him @RobMening

Featured image: Copyright: ‘‘ / 123RF Stock Photo


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