
Is Your Social Media Marketing Failing? 5 Things You May Be Doing Wrong

Social media actually began in the 1970’s. Of course, it was only during the past 15 years that this digital phenomenon truly began shaping the world, as we know it today. Social media comes in various shapes and sizes and has been steadily growing over the years. In 2010, there were still fewer than one billion social media users. By 2018, that number has surpassed 2.62 billion. Unsurprisingly, this figure is set to exceed 3 billion by as early as 2021. 

Even holdout marketers have long-since accepted that they need a vibrant presence and engaged following on social media. Social media marketing is so profitable that in 2017, social network advertising revenue surpassed $41 billion

5 Reasons Your Social Media Marketing is Failing

For all that social media marketing has to offer, it is not something that you can master overnight. To be successful in this highly competitive environment, you will have to learn what the best practices are. And you will need to avoid some of the most common pitfalls that can cause entire social media marketing campaigns to fail.  

Here are five possible reasons why your social media marketing strategy is failing. 

1. Little To No Advertising

Unless you took part in the early days of social media, marketing without actual advertising isn’t a viable solution.

There is no denying the fact that no small company or startup has the resources of a multi-billion-dollar corporation. But even a tiny investment in paid advertising can get you a long way – especially in the beginning. 

2. Not Understanding Your Audience

Depending on the industry as well as the product and services they offer, every business will only attract a particular segment of the population. Understanding this target audience can make or break any social media marketing campaign.

To make the best marketing decisions, you will first have to figure out:

Unfortunately, many marketers will not bother finding this out and will dive straight in, working pretty much in the dark. 

3. Ignoring Analytics

This point strongly links to the one above. Various analytics tools can help marketers make more informed decisions – especially on those social media platforms where there is much more competition.

These tools can help you better understand your audience and monitor all sorts of variables – such as post engagement and follower growth. They can also inform you regarding the best time to post specific types of content to maximize reach.  

4. Uninteresting Content

Content sits comfortably at the foundation of every digital marketing strategy, including social media. With this in mind, the content you create will have to provide real value to your audience. Otherwise, it will not draw or maintain their attention.

What’s even worse, it can also backfire on you, lowering your overall brand reputation. Learn what your audience’s pain points are and provide them with solutions or advice on how to overcome them. 

5. Focusing on the Wrong Platform

There are several major social media platforms, each with its exclusive audience and a distinct way of doing things. Depending on the nature of your industry and the product you offer, not all of them will generate the same result. In short, Facebook and LinkedIn are excellent at lead generation; Instagram is focused more on visual content, while Twitter is great at organic engagement. Focusing your attention and resources on a platform that doesn’t suit your needs could lead to your entire social marketing strategy to fail. 


Social media marketing is an incredibly effective strategy to drive business growth. Nevertheless, it will require a certain degree of trial-and-error before getting it right.  Focusing your attention on your target audience and keeping a watchful eye on the metrics generated by your analytics tools, will get you a long way. 

At Curatti, we are fully aware of what social media marketing implies and how to get the most out of it. If you need any more information or aid in crafting your strategy, do not hesitate to contact us.


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