
Create Viral Press Releases and Content

As a business you want to encourage your visitors to share your content and attract the media and influencers at the same time. This is same whether you are creating press releases, website pages, or blog articles.

Digital marketing expert, Neil Patel, defines viral as “relating to a piece of content that is circulated rapidly and widely from one web user to another.” Patel continues to point out that “you want to create content that’s intended to be shared and spread – like a virus.”

In order to spread the word on what your business has to offer you want to begin with a search-optimized strategy, especially in your headlines. Your business needs to create content that is most likely to be shared by your target market and establish your brand as a leading authority.

The use of keywords in your titles are important as they can either turn your readers away or draw them in immediately. A successful press release, for example, can gain high rankings and more traffic not only because it is well crafted, but also because of the right search terms for the headline.

A winning visibility strategy is enhanced with a well executed press release in addition to your blog articles and social media content. There are several reasons why this is worth a small investment for your business:


A professional press release has the potential to attract new business contacts, potential investors, and guest writing opportunities.  The best times to publish are Tuesdays and Thursdays, when they can garner more views, especially from news reporters who will share your article on their websites.

The length of your content plays another key role in whether it will become viral or not. Typically you should stick to a 2,000 word limit, and include a high-quality image or video that will attract the reader’s attention. This is especially important as your audience shares your information on social media, and in particular on Facebook and Twitter.

According to a study by Buzzsumo, four other elements play a key factor in whether content will become highly visible, which includes an emotional element, type of content, topic, and format:

Understanding the emotions and needs of your readers should become the primary focus when creating new content. With careful target market research you can reach your audience more effectively and increase your chances of sharing your articles online and on social media. According to a study by The New York Times, this is influenced by the relationships our community has:








This finding suggests to “Appeal to consumers’ motivation to connect with each other — not just with your brand.”

Other elements from the report that encourage content to spread include:


Posting your articles and press releases multiple times throughout the day will also help your business create more visibility in addition to keeping your email subscribers up to date with the latest news and blog posts. As you track your results through analytics you will start to see a pattern of engagement, which you can fine tune for maximum success.

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Online Marketing with Focus - Let Susan Guide you to Online Success. Especially loves to help Authors, Speakers, Coaches & Entrepreneurs. Susan Gilbert uses her laser focus knowledge to coach and provide online marketing and social sharing programs. Author and publisher of several books including “The Land of I Can,” and “KLOUT SCORE: Social Media Influence,” Susan combines online marketing with strategic thinking. Follow her Digital Marketing Tips at her blog: