
Why Behavioral Targeting is Smart Marketing

Do you frequently ask yourself: How can my business cut through the online clutter and connect with customers? A well-established principle in psychology, the cocktail party effect, helps us to answer this question.

Imagine you are at a noisy gathering. Drinks are being served and music is playing in the background. Loud circles of conversations are happening all around you, making it hard to hear or concentrate on anything. The situation is not unlike the social media environment today, right? Out of the blue, someone at the other end of the room mentions your name, which gets your interest. Suddenly, you find yourself paying heed and able to discern what others are saying about you over the din. It seems amazing, but psychologists have long-recognized that a personal stimulus – information that is about us – has a way of grabbing our attention.   Brands that want to be heard in today’s noisy environment can take advantage of this effect. Here are several examples of how personalization can boost conversion rates:

Behavioral Targeting

Brands like Pandora, Facebook, Netflix, Amazon and the NFL have found a solution; they collect customer data at every touch-point and they use this information to create a rich profile for each digital user. This allows them to personalize the consumer’s experience during each stage of their journey with their organization. For example, e-mails, websites, content, offers and customer service interactions are all personalized, custom-tailored and dynamically updated to what the brand knows about each patron. Of course, this personalization extends to the products and services made available too. For example, now cars and tote bags can be customized by potential buyers at the manufacturer’s website, and sports jerseys emblazoned with a fan’s name. In fact, Pepperidge Farm gives consumers the opportunity to design their own goldfish crackers, just in case you are looking for an attention getter at your next cocktail party.

Ok, that’s enough science for one article. What does this mean for business. Well, these programs learn from experience and can provide new levels of insight into the consumer. As a result, companies can target audiences and personalize customer experiences on a scale and to a degree never possible before. Companies like the Cox Media Group, for instance, are using social profiles gleaned from big data to tailor their website and content according to the interests and browsing history of each unique user. Personalized experiences like this resonate with customers because it makes them feel that brands get them.


Humans are hard-wired to respond to personalization. To be relevant to consumers, brands have to understand what is important and meaningful to customers as individuals. Ultimately, this means going beyond traditional data-tracking web cookies and instead gleaning data from social media signals to compile rich and insightful customer profiles that will help brands interact with their patrons on a more personal level.

Curatti Takeaway:

The age of one-size fit all is over. We are entering an era where customers expect that products, services and experiences will be tailored to fit their individual personalities and preferences. Better yet, they expect the products they consume to reflect who they are. Customization offers many companies the potential for creating a virtuous cycle; personalization helps businesses gain insight into customer preferences, which means higher customer satisfaction, brand loyalty and ROI.

Today’s consumer is commanding center stage. Marketing is morphing into something new. It is about knowing customers, relating to them and personalizing their journey with your brand. Companies would do well to heed the lesson of the cocktail party effect: the sweetest name a person knows is his or her own. Businesses that can apply this principal have the best chance of catching and keeping the attention of customers.


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