
3 Ways To Attract More Leads With Magnetic Content Marketing

In the new age of video and mobile search, magnetic content has become an indispensable part of becoming a successful brand online. The more original and helpful your content is, the more people will dive into it and share it with others. We no longer live in an age where boring sales articles attract readers. If they don’t answer the needs of your community, your blog posts will be quickly passed over.

Let’s face it — much of the content we see today on websites is simply low quality. Articles that aren’t meaningful, relevant or unique to your market will not attract very many people or search engines. And all the more so if they are laced with affiliate links and advertising.

The Basics of Magnetic Content

Before you write that next blog post, ask yourself what problem you can solve that is unique and from your perspective? How does it benefit your potential customers in a way that has not been answered by the competition?

According to an article on Convince & Convert, your message will stand out to your readers if you employ a “Triangle of Relevance.” Here’s a definition each point in this process:

It’s important to incorporate all three elements pointed out in the article in order to “magnetize” your content. You can measure your results through your click-through rates in your posts, ads, and emails. Focus especially on your headlines, which are the first line of reference before someone decides to read your message. Also pay attention to your ad copy, the types of images being used, and how much interaction you are getting on your social media tweets and posts.

So how do you create compelling, magnetic content that attracts more readers?

1 – Content Discovery

Take a look at the content that is already out there about your topic(s) from leading authority writers and websites in your industry.

Ask yourself, what are the main points that are presented? This will give you an idea of what to write about, with your own original spin.

Pay close attention to the questions being asked in comments and on social media. For example, in a small business forum, a lot of people might be asking about crowd funding. Read through the different answers, and then offer a solution that has not been covered yet.

2 – Showcase your Knowledge

If you can tell a story about how you overcame a particular problem, people are going to both relate to and trust you more. Make sure to pick a topic you have specific knowledge of.

This is especially powerful when relating a personal story with your product or service. Do so in a way that conveys you know exactly what your audience is experiencing and what their pain points are.

3 – Keep your Answers Simple

Don’t overload your readers with too much information. And on the other side of the spectrum, don’t offer less value through random, disjointed tips. Your articles and videos should provide the answer in a step-by-step format that makes it easy to follow and comment on.

A good rule of thumb to remember is that success comes in direct proportion to the number of people you help. The best way to accomplish this is to first identify their problems and then provide a clear solution. This establishes your business as the go-to solution provider.

In time, your website visitors will refer their friends, family and co-workers, and this will make your content go viral. Make sure your website is up to date with the latest technology, such as mobile responsiveness, and set up for social media sharing. Great content will attract other influencers in your niche. They will share your information and invite you as a guest author on their blog, to take part in an expert roundup, or perhaps an interview on their next podcast.

In Closing

The quality of your content will make or break your brand online. When you genuinely know and understand the needs of your target market and meet those demands, you will gain more prospects, leads and sales.

Any Comments?

Do you have any additional tips you feel will be beneficial to your fellow readers? Please share them and any other thoughts on this subject, in the comments section, below.


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Online Marketing with Focus - Let Susan Guide you to Online Success. Especially loves to help Authors, Speakers, Coaches & Entrepreneurs. Susan Gilbert uses her laser focus knowledge to coach and provide online marketing and social sharing programs. Author and publisher of several books including “The Land of I Can,” and “KLOUT SCORE: Social Media Influence,” Susan combines online marketing with strategic thinking. Follow her Digital Marketing Tips at her blog: