
Is Your Customer Service Addicted to KPI?

‘Metrics, metrics, metrics’. That’s one of the most common refrains when it comes to measuring the effectiveness of customer service. This golden rush towards the the best one(s) has even increased with the spread of support thru digital channels. What shall we measure? How often? What can we do to improve results? That’s causing a constant state of anxiety amongst many managers because they’ve become customer service KPI addicted. Let me show you a seriously bad consequence and how to prevent it.

Don’t Lose Focus From Strategic Goals

What do you want to achieve from your customer service activities? Here are some examples broken down into two categories:

Metrics-related goals
Increasing Customer Satisfaction (CSAT)
Improving Net Promoter Score (NPS)
Reducing first response time / handling time


Business-related goals
Increasing customer retention
Reducing churn
Strengthen loyalty / more customers staying longer with you

Metrics are very useful to measure the results of your efforts but I suggest you to look beyond them. In fact, if you rely just on metrics, you’ll lose focus from your strategic goals – those that have an impact on your overall business!

TIP: take actions based on customer feedbacks to prevent customer service failures.

Define The Purposes Of Your Reports

Having worked in Customer Service / Contact Centres environments for many years, I know that the daily routine tend to distract us. Even though we’re concentrated on our daily tasks, let’s raise our head from the desk to define the purposes of reports – before working on them:

Over To You

I know you don’t want to become a customer service KPI addicted. So maintain focus on you strategic goals and learn from customer’s feedbacks taking corrective actions where and when necessary.

Have great conversations.

If you’d like some consulting or other help with your customer service, please contact us

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Paolo Fabrizio

Digital Customer Service Consultant, Trainer, Author, Speaker. Paolo has been helping companies to harness digital customer service as a business driver. Founder of CustomerServiceCulture, author of books and speaker at conferences in Italy and abroad. Lecturer at the Bicocca University of Milan