
The Ultimate List of Internet, eCommerce & Hosting Facts

Being successful in the world of online business is not impossible, but it’s not easy either. As with anything, the more informed you are, the bigger the chances of reaching your goals. It’s the same with online sales. except that the internet is an ever-changing environment that keeps reinventing and shifting current paradigms.

Online sales revenues keep getting more substantial each business trimester. And each year, more and more online businesses and websites pop up, and trillions of consumer dollars are channeled through this environment.

Mobile search has exceeded desktop search in the U.S. and Japan, and will soon do so all over the world.

Here is an infographic from Hosting Facts that brings together facts and statistics in the areas of:

Some of what follows is fun. But some could be very useful. Maybe, some of it may help you decide which direction to take your existing business… or where to point a future one.

Just a Few of the Internet Facts and Stats, listed above:


Resources & statistics used in the above Infographic:


Toby Dean works on behalf of Hosting Facts in content creation and marketing. He creates engaging graphics and content that help businesses stand out from the crowd. Over the past 7 years, he has worked with many SME’s in both an agency and freelance capacity. You can tweet him @streamlinedean


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