
Find New Prospects For Your Business with Twitter

If you would like to convert more leads in addition to your website, email marketing and LinkedIn network your business can take advantage of the great features Twitter has to offer to get your message out there. This growing platform is a great place to grow your relationships and attract more customers to your business.

According to an article on, Twitter is one of the fastest networks to generate a buzz, especially with tweets that include links:

One of the benefits of engaging your brand on Twitter is that it is a low-cost way to attract new leads while being very effective at the same time. But it’s important to know what steps to take in order to build the right following with real results.

Begin your sales funnel with these simple steps and attract more leads:

Build on relationships

In order to be perceived as a reliable and trusted source your business needs to establish authentic communication with influencers and followers. These individuals and companies should be active and engaged on Twitter with a large number of followers. Your current customers are your best referral source, and so you will want to keep them informed and show that you have an interest in their needs. Twitter makes this process easy to begin by searching for people in your email contacts right from the ‘Find Friends’ link, or by using Advanced Search to track conversations, hashtags, users, and more.

Shopify reveals that 72 percent of users are more like to make a purchase from a brand that they follow and interact with on Twitter, and that 30 percent will recommend your business to others.

Go beyond your network

Start reaching out to leaders in your industry and join their lists, which will allow you to track their latest tweets. Create a meaningful conversation through complimentary retweets and helpful feedback. After establishing your presence and attracting more influencers create your own professional lists for your areas of expertise, like this example from @TedCoine, a leading entrepreneur and speaker:

Inform your audience

Many times followers track a business on Twitter in order to learn more about them. By sharing frequent updates with less advertising in a more personal approach you will peak their interest and cause them to want to go to your website to find out more. This is a good opportunity to offer something of value, and provide them with trending events, testimonials, company background, new products announcements, ect. Here’s a great example from American Airlines, a big brand that is active and engaged with its community:

Be quick to respond

Your customers are using Twitter and other social media channels to get answers to their problems and or to ask questions. You can help retain your current client base as well as grow your bottom line by quickly answering their tweets and replies. If people know that you care and can be trusted, they will be more likely to make a purchase from you and recommend your brand. Whole Foods interacts throughout each day with its customers:

Attracting new prospects from your Twitter community is about relationship rather than a direct sales message, which encourages a response through thoughtful communication, sharing content, and a personalized approach to customer service. Take advantage of tracking tools to further enhance your engagement and to find new followers who would have an interest in your brand.

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Online Marketing with Focus - Let Susan Guide you to Online Success. Especially loves to help Authors, Speakers, Coaches & Entrepreneurs. Susan Gilbert uses her laser focus knowledge to coach and provide online marketing and social sharing programs. Author and publisher of several books including “The Land of I Can,” and “KLOUT SCORE: Social Media Influence,” Susan combines online marketing with strategic thinking. Follow her Digital Marketing Tips at her blog: