
Target Your Fans With Facebook Audience Optimization

Has your business experienced a decrease in Fan activity on your Facebook page?

This is in large part due to their algorithm changes, which can prevent posts from being seen in the News Feeds.

A new feature released by Facebook aims to help Page owners better target their Fans and attract organic results. Facebook Audience Optimization is automatically available if you have over 5,000 Fans, but can also be added to your Page by following the steps outlined here.

According to Facebook the new feature helps businesses learn more about their Fans through interest tags, which is reflected in the amount of clicks, likes, shares, and post reach:








With the new feature businesses who have experienced low numbers can now use this free tool to:

• Reach more customers inside a specific niche

• Provide great offers to your existing Fans

• Launch a campaign that finds targeted leads

• Better New Feed visibility and organic growth

• Increase in Fans who are interested in your product(s) or service(s)

The key to becoming successful with Audience Optimization is through careful target market research and choosing the right tags for your posts. Here are a few suggestions and examples offered by Facebook:

Who will most likely interact with your content? By thoughtfully choosing the right tags for your posts you can hone in on the most interested Fans. Instead of using keywords, for example, you should include words that have a correlation to the content. It’s easy to do this with a public figure, but if your business is offering a product for sale, then you will want to base your tags on people who have an interest in what you have to offer, even if it is not directly in the post content itself. Here’s a good example on the topic of Facebook marketing from Kristi Hines on Social Media Examiner:












Avoid generalizing tags – Broad terms can have a hard time reaching a focused audience. By narrowing your words you can become more specific in who to target. Facebook suggests asking, “who, what, where, when, why and how,” in order to come up with tag ideas for your posts. Start with the broad tag, and discover which specific words can come of out of that, such as Sports Supplies, with a narrowed focus on brands, products, ect.

What are the related interests? While your post may be about a specific topic, there may be audiences who may have an interest based on another tag. For example, people who are interested in natural pet products can be targeted in posts about alternative pet care. This can potentially reach a larger audience with a stronger click-thru rate.

Include well-known brand names – If your customers are making purchases with big names like Amazon, Microsoft, American Airlines, ect. then including these companies could help increase your post reach. By overlapping tags with these brand names your business can tap into more well-known areas.

Follow the trends – A post related to the latest news or hashtags on social media could include any relevant tags. Although many of these are short-lived you can still quickly get in on what’s going viral and drive more Fans to your Page. The number of potential audience reach will vary according to the current interest.

Facebook Audience Optimization, which is available to English speaking Pages, has the potential to attract more organic reach than in the last year or two. In time there will be more definitive results as more businesses take advantage of this new feature. It is well worth testing out to learn what kind of results you can gain on your Page.

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Online Marketing with Focus - Let Susan Guide you to Online Success. Especially loves to help Authors, Speakers, Coaches & Entrepreneurs. Susan Gilbert uses her laser focus knowledge to coach and provide online marketing and social sharing programs. Author and publisher of several books including “The Land of I Can,” and “KLOUT SCORE: Social Media Influence,” Susan combines online marketing with strategic thinking. Follow her Digital Marketing Tips at her blog: