
Build Customer Service Priorities To Improve Your Business

The first days of the new year are usually full of good intentions: ‘I’ll start doing this, I’ll change that…’ and so on. Like it or not, sometimes we are not able to accomplish all that we wish to do. When it comes to customer service, it’s not easier since managers always struggle with constraints such as budget (or lack thereof) and staff. So how can you prevent frustration in 2019?

Focus on a few goals

Every time I see managers and entrepreneurs struggling with too many goals I remember what my first boss used to say. “Get rid of what’s not necessary.” – You know what? He was damn right. In fact what I successfully do today as a consultant is helping brands focussing on just 2-3 main goals per year. That means working on their current goal list and taking away some of them which may be redundant. Below, you can find some goals examples to get inspiration from:

Set priorities

Then, after defining your main goals for this new year, it’s time to set customer service priorities. Which of them is the most challenging for you? Or most urgent? Once you’ve prioritized your goals you’re able to laser focus on the TIME and EFFORT you need to invest each of them. You can use the three examples mentioned above to turn the bullet points into their order of priority. After this quick exercise, you can dive into sub-priorities. These are usually related to customer’s actions or interactions.

This framework by Conversocial may help you in performing this task.↓

Related: 7 ways to make customer support your top priority 

Over to you

The new year has just started, but it will run as fast as ever. Well, it will seem to go faster, as each passing year does. So without further ado set your goals and your customer service priorities, then stick to them.

Have great customer service conversations.


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Paolo Fabrizio

Digital Customer Service Consultant, Trainer, Author, Speaker. Paolo has been helping companies to harness digital customer service as a business driver. Founder of CustomerServiceCulture, author of books and speaker at conferences in Italy and abroad. Lecturer at the Bicocca University of Milan