
Customer Service Failures: From Hello to Hell No!

After this festive season, we are ready to get on with the new year. Despite our usual good intentions ‘I want to be more friendly, helpful or patient’, our daily routine soon brings our feet back on the ground. That will surely happen when you need to get in touch with the customer service of your bank, insurance company or your favorite shopping mall. At that moment, you’ll have great expectations but may face customer service failures, that will leave you disappointed and frustrated. Since such situations do not happen by chance, I’m going to answer two major customer service related questions.

1. [Sentiment Oscillation]: What Makes Customers Angry?

Like it or not, we all have daily online conversations – either in our professional and personal life. We interact using social media, messaging apps, live chat and/or email. And all these channels enable mainly written conversations. So when it comes to customer service that’s an issue because:

Consequently, the lack of the above elements is fuel for misunderstandings. And misunderstandings lead to bad feelings and therefore, poor customer experiences. That happens very rapidly, like a sudden rain on a sunny day. Vice versa, when customers get annoyed or frustrated, they need way more time to come back to a positive sentiment.

2. Where Does So Much Customer Service Fail?

When I assess new clients, I start by analyzing their customer service interactions. That’s the most effective way to learn how healthy the relationship with their customers and which situations cause friction with them. Well, having assessed a large number of brands belonging to various industries, I’ve noticed some recurring customer service failures:

Over To You

In the age of Digital Customer Experience, if you are superficial, you’ll see your customers switching their mood from ‘hello’ to a raging ‘hell, no!’ So, in order to prevent customer service failures, take care of details of each interaction. All in all that’s about building and consolidating customer’s trust to let your business prosper in the long term. And that’s what I wish YOU.

Have great conversations.


If you’d like some consulting or other help with your customer service, please contact us

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Paolo Fabrizio

Digital Customer Service Consultant, Trainer, Author, Speaker. Paolo has been helping companies to harness digital customer service as a business driver. Founder of CustomerServiceCulture, author of books and speaker at conferences in Italy and abroad. Lecturer at the Bicocca University of Milan