
Build Your Digital Customer Service Ecosystem

As human beings, whatever pains us quickly become our priorities. This is true in every facet of our life. When it comes to managing online conversations with customers, many priorities rise up, often at the same time. If you just focus on them though, you’re bound to lose sight of the big picture. To prevent that, you should always ask yourself ‘What do I want to achieve in the medium to long term?’ ‘Which steps do I need to build my Digital Customer Service ecosystem?’

Why You Need It More Than Ever

As the pandemic has boosted Digital Customer Service all over the world, many organizations had to cope with huge volume peaks of online conversations. In fact, more than one customer service manager has told that they’ve had serious issues because the demand was twice or three times more than during the pre-Covid period. So, within a few months, online conversations became the new battleground to win, consolidate or lose customer’s trust. Like it or not, this is not going to be a short-lived trend. Digital customer service is here to stay.

Have Your Say

Now, to help you build your service ecosystem, here’s the golden nugget for you. I recently launched a poll based on digital support priorities. As I’m sure it will be useful also for you, here’s the question.

‘After the 2020 digital support boom, what’s the urgency in your organization? Answer options plus extra questions for you below

  1. Improving our positioning towards the customer – how they perceive our customer service today vs. tomorrow. Q.: what’s our current gap and what business price are we going to pay if we don’t bridge it soon?
  2. Our culture – the values we want to convey to our customers. Q.: are our values up-to-date and widespread across all departments? How clear are they to our customers? Unwritten subtext: get rid of dangerous statements such as ‘In my opinion…’ ‘I think that…’. Dive here.
  3. Our technological infrastructures – we need to review, integrate, select or purchase an omnichannel platform to make assistants and managers’ lives easier.
  4. New digital skills – both for customer service managers to lead their teams and for their agents in order to master online conversations as per channel (social media, live chat, and messaging apps). Learn more about the DCS Personas skill-set model.

Over To You

Whatever your top priority is, you need all of the options above. In fact, they’re linked to each other. If just one of them is poor within your organization, you won’t be able to deliver excellent and consistent online experiences. So embrace all of them to build your top-notch digital customer service ecosystem.

Have great conversations.

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Paolo Fabrizio

Digital Customer Service Consultant, Trainer, Author, Speaker. Paolo has been helping companies to harness digital customer service as a business driver. Founder of CustomerServiceCulture, author of books and speaker at conferences in Italy and abroad. Lecturer at the Bicocca University of Milan