
Are You Keeping Your Customer Relationships Alive?

After some time together, your customer decides to take a different path. They decide to stop the cooperation with you for an unidentified length of time. Quite a shock, uh? If you have already experienced this, you know that your first reaction is emotional, often with mixed feelings. However, as counterintuitive as it seems, that’s the moment you’d better keep the customer relationship alive! Here’s why and how.

Learn More About Customer’s Choice

Instead of taking it personally and getting mad for the ‘betrayal,’ you have a great opportunity that you shouldn’t miss. Knowing the reasons why that led your customer to stop buying your product or services. Getting such information is very important because you can:

How To Get In Touch

The above points should be more than enough to convince you to invest time in investigating. Yes, but what’s the best way to keep the customer relationship alive? In fact, you’d better pay attention to these details to prevent any friction:

  1. Make clear your intentions from the very beginning. Start with the email subject, then explain why you are going to ask delicate questions (about the customer’s bye-bye decision).
  2. No being too inquisitive – if you want to get honest feedback, don’t act like a sheriff.
  3. Showing that you care about the relationship with the person beyond any money transaction.

When emailing your customer make sure that your words, thoughts and actions reflect your company values. They will appreciate that you’re not afraid of his / her decision.

Over To You

Don’t think only about the present. Be far-sighted to keep customer relationships alive with those you think it’s worth. Because they will appreciate and pay you off in the medium term by coming back to you and/or suggesting some friends to become your new customers.

Have great conversations. 

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Paolo Fabrizio

Digital Customer Service Consultant, Trainer, Author, Speaker. Paolo has been helping companies to harness digital customer service as a business driver. Founder of CustomerServiceCulture, author of books and speaker at conferences in Italy and abroad. Lecturer at the Bicocca University of Milan