
Use Slideshare to Give Your Business More Visibility

Do you have a great presentation to offer online?

How about an article your business has published?

If you aren’t already, it’s time to utilize Slideshare as an additional venue and more visibility for that content.

Slideshare is an online tool that allows you to create powerful slides to share with your online and social media followers, and the best part is it’s free.

Once you create an account it is easy to upload videos, presentations, or PDFs, which can all be shared on your social networks. This type of content marketing method is good for businesses who want to attract more visitors and leads. In fact, Adobe’s CMO online news reports that Jake Wengroff, who was the Global Director for Social Media Strategy and Research at Frost & Sullivan, said SlideShare brought in thousands of qualified leads to his company, which produced a very large ROI.

Slideshare has over 60 million unique visitors coming in each month, and this number is growing. Now is the time for your business to take advantage of this powerful network, and provide your audience with the information they are seeking in a highly visual and easy to understand format.

Here are a few ways to effectively publish content and establish your business or brand as a thought leader in your industry:

● Focus on visuals, not text – Think of Slideshare as an image tool rather than informative text, much like video on YouTube. The best presentations have a clear message, and are concise with a limited use of words. Use professional, creative images that stand out to the viewer. It is also important to keep the length of your presentation short, such as 5 to 15 slides, although there are some exceptions of brands developing tutorials that can be as many as 80 slides or more. Generally, a shorter slide presentation will hold your audience’s attention and keep them from leaving. Here’s a great example of a well-crafted presentation from Rand Fishkin, CEO of SEOmoz:

● Include exact keywords for your topic – Choose about two to three specific keywords for your slide, and include these in the setup of your presentation. It’s important to not use too many of these in order to avoid any penalties from Google.

● Have a strong call-to-action – This is important step that many businesses miss out on. Treat your Slideshare presentation like any other you would put forth in front of a live audience, and include an invitation to your website, offer, or other products and services. The offer doesn’t need to be fancy, but just a simple invitation like this one from Soap Presentations:

SlideShare is a perfect way to provide content to your target market that will not only build your business as a trusted brand, but also attract new visitors to your website and social networks. Establish your knowledge and expertise on any subject in your niche with a stand out presentation and watch your influence and visibility grow.

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Online Marketing with Focus - Let Susan Guide you to Online Success. Especially loves to help Authors, Speakers, Coaches & Entrepreneurs. Susan Gilbert uses her laser focus knowledge to coach and provide online marketing and social sharing programs. Author and publisher of several books including “The Land of I Can,” and “KLOUT SCORE: Social Media Influence,” Susan combines online marketing with strategic thinking. Follow her Digital Marketing Tips at her blog: