
Mapping Buying Experiences To Align With Buyer Goals

Engaging new buyers and repeat customers are the lifeline to achieving growth.  While the context of these fundamental challenges has changed via digital technologies, they nevertheless are constant pressures. Recent surveys of CEOs by IBM, PWC, and KPMG all point to major concerns and priorities in expanding the lifeline to growth.

Creating distinctive and engaging experiences, as part of how people and businesses go about making purchases, is getting more attention today than ever.  Causing many to rethink long-standing practices on customer acquisition and customer retention.

In order to learn how to create distinctive buying experiences, businesses are embracing new means and approaches.  Including experience mapping, journey mapping, ethnographic research, design thinking, and customer co-design.  In consumer-driven marketplaces, some of these approaches have been used successfully to reshape overall customer experiences.  While in B2B marketplaces, these approaches may represent first-time efforts brought on by rapid changes in digital technologies and buying behaviors.

Understanding Buyer Interactions Matter

How new buyers and repeat customers are interacting with organizations today is putting many companies on the spot to adapt.  Companies can be lulled into a false belief that their customers preferred way of interacting has not changed much.  Towing a company line of “our customers have always done it this way” mentality.  Missing significant shifts in how buying, in general, is being redefined.

How can companies today map buying experiences and stay on top of shifts in buying trends?  Here are important elements based on working with organizations over the past fifteen years who have utilized an experience mapping approach to achieve customer-centered strategies:


In the end, mapping buying experiences allows for a holistic view of an archetypal path that begins with gaining the attention of buyers through the eventual onboarding of new customers.  Let us not forget the earlier mention of repeat customers.  Many experience and journey mapping efforts are centered on new customer acquisition.  The repeat customer journey, in essence, is neglected.  The repeat purchase experience, thus, ending up leaving a very sour taste in the mouths of existing customers.

Organizations today can take a similar approach to mapping out the repeat buying experience. Including add-on of newer products and services.  The correlation between repeat buying experience and customer retention is strong.  Here is one repeat customer viewpoint that stems from a buyer research interview I conducted last year:

“It is astonishing to me that it is so difficult to work with any of these companies on ancillaries you may need after the initial install.  I have to make multiple calls, get transferred around, and wait for someone to call me back.  And nobody does because the big check has already been cashed!”

Senior Director, IT Infrastructure

(A brief word on formats and layouts. Whether they are linear or circular, the key is to include the important elements and to reduce complexity.  Follow the one buyer persona, one scenario, one goal, and one path framework principle.  Below is a previous view I have suggested in terms of how to think about the customer journey and how micro-journeys may exist within an overarching customer journey.)

Aligning With Goals

Mapping buying experiences can be an essential means for companies to gain valuable insights into how and why customers pursue goals and value certain types of interactions.  The most effective experience and journey maps share common traits of being goal-directed and focused on deep insights into the paths buyers take towards specific end goals.

Producing an archetypal experience and journey map, relevant to buying experiences, can help create shared common views of how to support better customer experiences across multiple functions.  This can especially help marketing and sales to be in alignment on interactions with new buyers and repeat customers.

The optimal scenario is when both marketing and sales are not only in alignment with each other, but are also in alignment with the goals of buyers.


Originally posted as “Mapping Buying Experiences: Creating Growth Through Aligning With Buyer Goals” on and republished here with permission

Tony is Founder and creator of buyer personas to inform marketing & sales strategies. Buyer Persona Development,  Buyer Insights Research and Human-Centered Marketing.  See more of Tony on Twitter, Linkedin or Google+

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