
Don’t Waste Your Time Writing a Great Article If Your Opening Sucks

There have been so many articles written about great article titles. But google ‘great article openings’. Slim pickings, to be sure!

But why?

Do you keep reading if the first sentence or two of an article are lame?

As a reader, I don’t. As an editor, I’ve come to learn that no matter how much I might groan at some of the openings I see, sometimes, the article’s body is really good!

So that begs the question. Why is so little importance is attached to the second most important part of an article?! Because I don’t care how killer your heading is, if your opening is really weak, no non-editor is reading past it. And all you’ll have to show for your efforts is a spectacular bounce rate!

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Here’s What Not To Do… And Why

People Google for information on a subject because they want to learn something – even if that is how good their competition is. Let’s say they want to learn about Social Media Marketing. Now let’s make that a little more personal. Let’s say YOU want to learn something about Social Media Marketing.

You see a real eyecatching title and you think “Wow! I have to read this!”

You click the link. And it opens with something your grandmother, who has never been on Facebook, has known for years. “Marketing on Social Media has become essential for businesses”. Or worse: “Social Media Marketing is important.” You’re out of there, right? I know I am! You searched because you know it’s important. You wanted to learn something new.

Here’s an open letter from me to you:

Dear writers,

I say this with love. Please pay as much attention to your article opening as you do to the title and body.

It’s true that the closing is also important, but at least if people see your awkward ending, they’ve got that far.

That means that you did something before then grabbed and kept your readers’ eyeballs.

It certainly means that your opening didn’t suck!

I hate seeing you waste your time, effort and knowledge.

Please. I beg of you. Don’t throw your article opening.

Thanks for your time,


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How Can I do This Right?

For starters, don’t write to somebody else’s formula.

If you see an article that offers you 10 Great Article Openers, read it for style or substance pointers by all means. But don’t use the suggestions as a formula. Never write to a formula. Not unless it’s all yours.

Never write to a formula. Not unless it’s all yours.Click To Tweet


This is the whole thing in a nutshell.

You know what you like to read.

You know what makes you yell “Are you [bleeping] kidding me?!”

Then know this. You are not unique. Write something you would read, not something that would make you scream at your device.

The end.

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Andy Capaloff

Andy Capaloff is the COO of Curatti. Prior to moving into the world of Content Marketing, Social Media Management and the day-to-day running of a Digital Marketing company, Andy spent over 3 decades in various aspects of IT. It is here that he honed his writing and technical skills, and his ability to ask uncommon questions.