
The Life Cycle of the Brand Advocate

young friends screaming with megaphone against a building

Developing a dynamic action plan that optimizes marketplace opportunity is a top priority for any business owner. Implementing this plan most often translates to creative tactical strategies that competitively position a product or service for conversion. With more and more consumers relying on social media to drive their purchasing habits, the endorsement of a qualified brand advocate continues to be one of the most direct ways to trigger consistent buyer response.

Most marketing research begins here:


Once you have a solid understanding of where and how to access your customer base online, appropriate strategies are implemented to capture their attention and convert. What happens next?

Developing a Brand Advocate

The relationship with your brand advocates begins with the very first point of contact. Before they are even a customer, you have the opportunity to set the stage for excellence. Developing brand advocates is not a strategy that commences after the first purchase, but rather begins at the moment they show even the slightest interest.

Consider asking yourself these questions:


Gathering the answers to these questions requires an authentic attitude that is passionately committed to meeting a defined need in the marketplace. When was the last time you audited your social media matrix for heart, passion and purpose?

It would stand to reason that a business’ expectation (read: hope) is for brand advocates to passionately drive conversions with a purposeful heart. Developing and sustaining that type of forward momentum means setting an example that everyone else can follow.

Brand advocacy doesn’t begin with your customers, it begins with you. Consider adjusting your mindset to prioritize brand advocacy above sales dollars. Your ultimate goal with every conversion is not to turn a profit. That’s just a blip on the radar…a finite moment…a sales transaction. It comes and it goes.

Your ultimate goal with every conversion is to create a loyal brand advocate.

Engage to Learn, Not to Teach

Tony Vincent had wise words to say on the subject of good business.

“Surround yourself with people you can always learn something from. Always work with people that are better at their craft than you are.”

Social media has blown open powerful knowledge networks, giving global access to expertise and creative information that was previously out of reach. Brand advocates are drawn to humility and genuine interest. We forge long-term advocacy by actively listening and applying the insight our customers share online every day.

When was the last time you:

Strive for Community, Not for Networking

Tim McDonald describes the genesis of a network as the moment when someone makes a request, but that communities are fundamentally built with purpose and passion. I firmly agree and have experienced the value of community in my own life in so many different ways.

Curatti rests firmly on its “for the people, by the people” mission:


In the deliberate absence of a sales pitch, mutually beneficial engagement thrives and advocacies bloom organically.

Technology will come and go, social media platforms will continue to evolve, but rock solid brand advocates grounded in shared purpose and genuine passion will follow you anywhere!

Keeping a Brand Advocate

When a brand advocate is born, your job is not complete. In fact, it’s only just begun. As advocates diligently endorse your product and deliver conversions straight to your doorstep, it’s up to you to continue to deliver on your promises to stay active and relevant in their online conversation. Practicing agility in all facets of your business allows you to pivot quickly to keep brand advocates interested and engaged.

Keeping your brand advocates becomes your number one priority. Amplify the true power of social media by exchanging ideas that:

The Attitude Audit

Honest assessment is crucial to both developing and keeping brand advocates that will continually entice new buyers and spark new conversion opportunities. Maintaining a perpetual state of inflection allows businesses to spot weaknesses and quickly adjust. The burden of consistently effective social media can weigh heavily on the internal teams that work tirelessly to stay fresh and relevant. Remember to gauge passion and purpose regularly to be sure your online “voice” is in tact.


Healthy questions probe for areas ripe for improvement:


Consider creative approaches to social media marketing to stay lively online:


Remember, the agile business owner is always on alert for ways to improve and new avenues to explore. Your brand advocates will often be the first ones to bring attention to your next big success, or may even drop hints that prevent a corporate crisis coming just around the bend. Giving your advocates a clear path to project their voice is critical. Actively listening to and applying what you learn is paramount. Brand advocates are your eyes, your ears and if you’ve done your homework, your heart. Keep the passion and purpose alive under their diligent watch and your business will surely flourish.


Image attribution: (multiple sources found, original unknown)

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Top 100 #Socialmedia Global Influencer | CEO of Curatti, Publisher of #B2B #Content | Author/ Digital Marketing Strategist |