
Scott Monty’s ‘This Week in Digital’: A Case Study in Excellent Content Curation

A few months ago, I showed you how Karen Dietz curates posts on The article was so well received that I decided to turn the idea into a mini-series.

This time, I went for a different example: a roundup. This form of curation consists in bringing together a series of related posts in an easy-to-digest article. It is a time-consuming but very effective way to deliver valuable information to your customers or audience and keep them where it matters to your bottom line — your digital property.

The example is taken from Scott Monty’s very popular blog.

Scott is the former head of social media at Ford Motor Company. From 2008 to 2014, he held the title of Global Digital and Multimedia Communications Manager. Many, myself included, consider him a major thought leader in the communications and marketing industries.

I have been reading Scott’s blog almost religiously for a long time. His roundups cover the most important news and developments in social media, marketing, and technology in a non-overwhelming way.

Scott Monty’s “This Week in Digital”

The example I want to show you is Scott’s latest roundup. Click the screenshot to read the entire article.


Here is why this roundup is a great example of curation to emulate.


“The role of the CMO in the culture wars, the future of customer experience, new search and targeting features on Instagram, Facebook wants you to stay on Facebook, ‘liberté, égalité, fraternité’ does not apply to the sharing economy, speed listening, the numbers can lie, the evolution of a Truffle Pig, raising your digital quotient, the interplay of algorithms and humans in curation, Cannes in is the can and more, it’s This Week in Digital.”


Scott takes full advantage of social media. On Facebook, he tags his news sources. It’s a wonderful way to increase engagement and build relationships with fellow bloggers and marketers, as well as your audience. Nothing beats a good team player!

(Source: Facebook)

Scott also engages with his audience on Twitter and leverages Flipboard. His magazine features all the links mentioned in his articles as well as additional ones. Finally, his roundups have a dedicated newsletter.

As expected of such an expert, the posts are introduced differently based on the social network used. Scott knows his audience very well, and that is what makes him such a great curator.

Want to see other great roundups? Check out the ones agency We Are Social publishes every Monday. They are presented differently but work just as well!

See you next time for another case study of content curation that works. 


Lead image attribution: Origin unknown (many sources)

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Cendrine Marrouat

Social media blogger, coach, curator, and author at Social Media Slant
Cendrine Marrouat is a content writer & curator, social media trainer, author, and photographer. She is also the founder of Social Media Slant, a blog helping small business owners and solo-entrepreneurs to figure out the basics of social media. "The Little Big eBook on Social Media Audiences: Build Yours, Keep It and Win", her latest social media ebook, was awarded a 2015 Small Business Book Award in the Social Media Category. Website: