
Adaptive Content: The Future of Content Marketing

When it comes to change, everything we know is going through a phase of evolution. Be it humans or an article over the internet. When one link changes, the whole route goes through the phase of evolution; which brings us to today.

Think back in time to when the Internet was not a necessity to the extent it has reached today. You may recall that most people read the same content as you did. The reason behind that is there were relatively few professionals who were publishing all the content on fixed web pages. And everyone had access to the same content all over the web! The only way to filter out the relevant content was through search engines.

Videos, images, text; considered as an indication of development of the social web over the time. Given the latest updates on development, a relatively more convenient method to filter out the relevant content is with the help of having online friends or following people. This way, whatever you see on social platforms is controlled by you; according to your likes and dislikes.

What do you think could be marked as the key component of your success? Some claim the key component of their success lies in the hands of personalization, while consumers on the other hand state that they would love to purchase from a company that provides a worthwhile personalized experience.
This thought is what boils down to the latest theory of content development: Adaptive Content.

What is Adaptive Content?

Basically, the combination of the subtle usage of personalization to enhance the customers experience, with the help of the development of content to be published all over the web, is what adaptive content is all about.

The combination stated above tends to act as a lethal weapon (in a good way though) on your consumers, creating a complete, smooth experience. This will help you achieve your of gaining trust, building awareness and keeping your customers emotionally engaged into your content.

Personalized Experience with Adaptive Content

In content marketing, there comes a time where you need to drop the many old methods, no matter how important they once were, and replace them with the newer practices which have superseded them

This theory can only be put into action once you place yourself in your customers’ shoes. This is the only truly effective way of gaining the necessary insight with which to plot the path for necessary change, and take personalization to a whole new level. This can be carried out through the development and implementation of a comprehensive adaptive content strategy.

The Sacred Elements for Success

To ensure that you get started like a pro and totally ace this, check out the essential elements listed below:

 1. Content Requires A Structure

You must always keep in mind that you have no idea what kind of device your consumer might be using. What might look great on a desktop screen may not look so good on smaller devices such as smart phones. Without the certainty that your audience has landslide majority using a particular device, you cannot publish without structuring. This makes it absolutely necessary to be 100% positive that your content is suitable to fit on any screen regardless of the size. This calls for responsive web design.

What might look great on a desktop screen may not look so good on smaller devices such as smart phonesClick To Tweet

2. Let’s Reuse Some of This Content

Judging by the wide variety of customers all over the web, you need to try to grab their attention in any and every way possible! To do this you need to place emphasis on recreating your own content in multiple formats. Your viewers are not confined to a single platform, so why not spread your content on other networking sites. Turn it into posts for social media for various social media platforms. Grow new articles from aspects of the original. This not only helps you use your adaptive content to its full spectrum but also increases your visibility in multiple places.

3. Presentable or Not?

This is the crux of it all. Everything revolves around this one major element. Your content needs to have that certain spark without the excessive ‘fluff’. You cannot submit to the notion that your content will glitter like gold and lure every online user towards itself. This is the problem.  The presentation of your content is your responsibility. Without adding a few details that may gain reader interest, you cannot expect to gain, let alone convert leads.

4. Concise yet still Informative

Keeping your articles concise yet loaded with information can be a very difficult juggling exercise. You must think about what you have written to ensure that it makes sense. If it is too long, it may suffer from a loss in reader interest. The trick of keeping your content to a manageable length without compromising its purpose. Achieve this by sprinkling engaging elements, including real, first person experiences, throughout.

5. CMS Interface: Please Work.

What you actually need/want, is a functioning system that makes the elements listed above worth the effort. If the interface lags and that becomes your reason to avoid any one of the elements, then you have some serious work to do. If you don’t invest enough on a reliable and well optimized CMS platform then your only hope is abandoning the project before it spirals into a costly catastrophe. You can either purchase it or hire a professional developer for the task.

Above all, these elements seem pretty satisfying as they tend to hit on all the missing links, but these can be further simplified in to a much easier set of terms: Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.

  1. Reduce – the amount of workload by systemizing all of your workflows and processes.
  2. Reuse – your content should be well written and highly informative. That way you can post the same content with a few alterations on multiple platforms and broadcast your message on every channel possible!
  3. Recycle/Repurpose – if you publish your work in different formats, you could definitely extract the most out of it and make sure that information was put in to great hands sooner or later.


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Asad Ali is a professional Internet marketer with an exposure of more than 7 years in eCommerce industry. He is currently working at GO-Gulf - a Dubai based web development company. His expertise includes SEO, UX and Conversion optimization.